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The rain fell to the ground and into my cuts. My little feet splashed on the puddles as I ran. The wind blew against me and took my tears away. Gabe didn't run too much, but I could feel him stepping on my heels.

I stopped at a policeman's office. It was 11 pm and they were only 3 people working at almost midnight. I rang the bell almost ten times when a dark-skinned man opened the door with an annoyed expression.

"Hey, hey, hey calm do-" I entered and closed the door. His jaw dropped to the floor when he looked to me closer.

The two other policemen came in with a coffee cup in one hand. The girl's one fell along with her jaw.

"How old are you sweetie?" She asked with a sweet look. She put her hands on my shoulders caressing them and I instantly flinched walking backward. The only one who touched me was Gabe, and not with good intentions. They looked at each other frowning.

I finally raised seven fingers signaling my age. "Jack call the hospital right now." Jack, who was the other man, went rashing to get the phone but suddenly all the lights went off.

"It's the storm," the girl said "Well then we will go our selves" They ran to a police car and Jack carried me in his back. I sat at the back with him while he comforted me and rubbed my back as I cried and finally fell asleep.


I woke up at the sound of a beeping machine. I was in a room where all the walls were painted white. My hands were crowded with cables connected to some kind of liquid. The policemen were sitting on some chairs talking.

"Oh, you are awake!" The girl said, "How do you feel?" I didn't respond and stare at her. She seemed to understand, "Look my name is Anne, I understand if you don't want to tell me yours." I just didn't know if I could trust her, but she looked like... My mom. "From one to ten, in what pain are you in?"I raised my ten fingers."Oh, dear! Here's a pain pill" She handed it to me and I put it to my mouth. It was disgusting but it helped a lot with pain.

A doctor came in and told them about my injuries. They tried to ask me a lot of questions about my life and my past. I didn't say a word.

They were about to leave, but I took the girl's hand. "Percy, I'm being abused, please help me." She opened her eyes wide and bent down next to me.

"Can you tell me more?" I shook my head. She nodded and left smiling at me with concern.

I heard people talking outside. I recognized the first voice as Jack, the policeman.

"-He doesn't have any family." That was the doctor.

"Then, why he wasn't put in foster care?" Jack asked.

"I don't have an idea, but we will find it out soon," The doctor said and a listened as he walked away.

Jack came into the room and sat on the chair beside me.

"How are you feeling dude?" he asked me. "Do you want anything?" I shook my head. I felt like I could trust him more than everyone so I just said it.

"Perseus Jackson" Was the only thing I said. I said my complete name for them to find out my mother was alive and they could put me in foster care. I don't like Perseus though.

He nodded and ran to the door. He almost slammed it against the wall but didn't care. He avoided everyone in the corridors trying to find the doctor.

Then came complete silence. I didn't like silence so I started whispering-singing that song my mom used to sing when I was little. But then he came.

Gabe entered the room and covered my mouth with a tissue which made me fall asleep.


I almost jumped out of my bed when I woke up. It was always the same nightmare, the day I almost got rid of Gabe. But like always, he knows where to look for me.

When I got home that day I was about to die. But he drove me to a hospital because if I died, he wouldn't have anyone to punish or torture. But not the hospital I was a few hours ago. He drove 3 hours to another state for not being recognized in our local hospital. He told them I was very clumsy and I tended to fall a lot and this time I fell down the stairs and hit my head and ribs. Doctors didn't believe them, of course, but hailed me anyway.

They told Gabe I needed surgery on my ribs, but just when he left, he disconnected me from all of the devices keeping me from fainting and ran with me in his arms.


I'm sorry this was just Percy's dream and a part of his life, but I wanted to do this so there you go. I just came up with a bunch of ideas for the next chapters, so don't worry, this fanfic will be very long.

Next chapter will be posted soon!



Bye <3

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