Chapter Ten

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*Another one*

You hold onto Jin's hand and stare at him

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You hold onto Jin's hand and stare at him. About ten minutes ago, your parents arrived with the cops. They did a search everywhere and found no one suspicious. The cops tried to find any evidence that the criminal would've left behind, in order for them to follow a lead. Your parents had surveillance cameras so they pulled out those. They saw a face they recognized. It was someone they tried to lock up about a month ago.

This man Jonny Dirk, killed his wife. He accused her of sleeping around and slit her throat. He had fed her body to the dogs. This crazy killer wanted to get back at your parents for trying to lock him up. This man came to your house when you were at the play and managed to get through the alarm system and unlock the door.

"The code changes everyday. How did he manage to get in?" Your father asked the cop. "My daughter and her friend could've been killed by that psycho."

Your mother walks up to Jiwoo and Mae as your father is trying to understand the situation.

"I'm very thankful she was out with you guys. I don't know what it would've been of her if she had stayed indoors." Your mother says with tears in her eyes.

"You know we love y/n as one of our own. She's a very well behaved kid and our boys love having her around." Mae utters.

"Can I ask you guys for a favor?" Desiree asks them.

"Yes good ahead." Mr Jeon replied.

"Can y/n stay here for a while until we find that criminal?"

Jiwoo and Mae looked at each other.

"Of course we would love to have her stay here. She's practically part of the family." Mae said happily.

"Thank you so much."

"Yeah no problem, that's what friends are for." Mr and Mrs Jeon respond concurrently.

Your mother went to pack up your clothes as she walked into in the house. She brought two full luggages of clothes over to Mae's. As your mother and father set the luggages down you stared at them.

"What's all this?" You mumbled out with teary eyes.

"Y/n, listen to us okay. You're staying here until we catch the criminal and fix the house." Your father replies.

"We will be back when the case is closed. We're going to find that man so he can go to jail and keep you safe." Your mother speaks clearly.


"No but's y/n. Be nice and behave. We will be contacting Jiwoo or Mae to see if you're behaving. I love you and I'll see you later." Your father says coldly.

"Yes father."

You had no other choice but to agree. It wasn't like you didn't like the Jeon's, Kim's, or Park. You got along with all of them very well. Then your parents left again. You should be used to it by now, it felt like they were adding another rock to the pile.

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