Chapter Sixty-Eight

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"Is this karma for lying during the police interrogation for Junior's death?"

"Hey, Jin! Where's Jimin? I need to ask him where he left my knife that cuts extremely well

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"Hey, Jin! Where's Jimin? I need to ask him where he left my knife that cuts extremely well."

"He left for a meeting out of the state about a few hours ago. But you can use mine instead."

"Yours cuts like shit though."

"Hey!" He bopped your forehead. "Don't disrespect my utensil."

"I'm sorry shitty ass knife."

He bopped your forehead again. "Such a rude teenager."

You were going to tell him something mean when your phone rang. You picked it up and put it on speakerphone when you noticed it was Jungkook.


"Noona?" Jungkook uttered on the other line.

"What's up?"

"I'm just calling to know how everyone is. Are my hyungs there with you?"

"Jin's the only one with me. Jimin went to a business meeting and Taehyung left about a few hours ago to meet my parents so they can officialize their approval on our marriage."

"That's cool and how's everyone acting that I'm not around anymore?"

"I think more annoying than usual." You said.

Jin dramatically gasped before shouting. "Hey!" He left the kitchen quite offended.

"I wish you were here. It'd be less irritating to be living around these no brainers."

"I heard that!" Jin pronounced from the living room.

"Well you are marrying one and I also called to know how my baby was."

"Touché." You chuckled out. "She's fine and Jin's taking me to get my license today. All I need to do is get my picture taken and I'm done with all of that crap. Anyways, what time is it over there? Isn't late already?"

"It's nighttime and I think its eleven right now. I'm still getting adjusted to the time difference."

"Sucks to be you."

"Tell me about it." He replied. "Well, I'll hang up now. I need to catch some Z's."

"Okay well good night, Frenchie."

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