Chapter Two

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Ophelia woke up on a hospital bed. There were a few people who had surrounded her as she woke up.

"Oi, mate. Look, she's waking up." A boy named Theo had commented.

"Is she going to be okay?" Draco chimed in.

"I sure hope so." Blaise sighed as Ophelia groaned and opened her eyes. She blinked a few times to get used to the light. When her eyes registered, Ophelia looked at the first person she saw.

"Draco?" Ophelia's voice was groggy. Draco sighed and put his head down in his hands.

"We thought we lost you, Ophelia." Draco sounded beyond relieved. Ophelia looked at her brother and smiled.

"Hi, Blaise." She gave him a weak smile as Blaise gave her a hug.

"Don't scare me like that again." Ophelia let out a breathy laugh.

"You think I wanted this to happen? One minute I was eating dinner, then the next Death Eaters were trying to kill us." Her eyes started to water remembering the attack.

"Oh, were they looking for something?"

"Yes." She gave them a grim look before she answered.

"Me." Everyone around her looked astonished.

"What? Why did they want you?" Pansy questioned. She was still jealous and angry that Ophelia was getting Draco's attention. Pansy felt that she should be getting his affection, not Ophelia. Ophelia hasn't done anything to deserve it.

"I don't know. Something about how the Dark Lord wants me alive. I'm really worried." Ophelia shed a tear and sniffled. Draco had the urge to wipe away her tears himself, however, Blaise beat him to it. Blaise also sat next to his sister on the bed and held her close and she cried. Draco sighed and Pansy was becoming annoyed. They heard the door open and Snape and McGonagall walked inside.

"Miss Zabini. How are you feeling?" Professor McGonagall asks her.

"I'm better, thank you."

"Miss Zabini, you said that Death Eater's attacked Beauxbattons Academy?" Professor Snape had asked.

"Yes, they were looking for me as the Dark Lord wanted me alive." Ophelia could barely keep her composure. She had trained herself to do so as she received strict criticism at Beauxbattons, and it helped shape her as a woman. However, the event with the Death Eaters has broken her, and she will not know if she will be able to heal as quickly as she would prefer.

"Miss Zabini, may I ask why the Dark Lord wanted you alive?" Professor McGonagall had asked. Minerva was very worried about the girl; mentally and physically. She doesn't understand why Ophelia hadn't broken down worse than what she already was.

"Miss, I truly don't know." Ophelia felt horrible that she didn't know their names. She wished she could address them properly, as it was the lady-like thing to do when speaking to your professors or elders.

"My apologies, Miss Zabini. My name is Professor Minerva McGonagall. And the man next to me is Professor Severus Snape." Ophelia smiled lightly towards her before she spoke.

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall. And thank you, Professor Snape, for saving my life." Snape just nodded in return. McGonagall simply smiled towards her.

"What are we going to do Professors? Will Ophelia begin to attend Hogwarts now, or will she be sent back home?" Blaise had spoken up after their conversation.

"I personally think she would be safer here than anywhere else. It will be more difficult for Death Eaters to penetrate the castle than anywhere else." Draco had spoken. He very much so desired Ophelia to stay with him at Hogwarts, so that he could protect her from more harm and show her the love that he's been dying to give her for many years now. Pansy huffed at the thought of Ophelia staying at Hogwarts. She has been trying for years now to try and get Draco to be with her, even though she knows he has feelings for Ophelia. That's why she was so ecstatic to find out that Ophelia was going to be attending Beauxbattons instead of Hogwarts.

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