Chapter Thirteen

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The week had passed very quickly. Ophelia had been too busy with homework and tests before the break, that she kept turning down Ginny and Hermione on dress shopping. Hermione especially was getting stressed. She thought that since Ophelia hadn't gone dress shopping, the whole party would be ruined. Ophelia didn't understand why everyone was acting so funny.

'It's just a dress.' She thought. 'Why are they getting so worked up over a dress?'

Ophelia had finally finished all her homework and exams and sighed in relief. She then went to the great hall for dinner when she ran into Hermione and Ginny. They all greeted one another happily when Hermoine spoke up.

"Hey, when do you think we can go dress shopping?" Ophelia gave a frustrated sigh.

"What is up with you two and this dress? What is it for?" Ginny spoke up this time.

"It's for my family's Christmas dinner we are having this Saturday night." Ophelia's eyes went wide and she groaned into her hands.

"Merlin's beard! I'm so sorry! I've finally finished all of my homework and exams so I'm not busy anymore, when would you two like to go?" Hermione sighed in relief.

"We can go tomorrow morning? To Diagon Alley?" Ophelia agreed and the three of them went to sit down with their friends. Hermione saw Draco and stopped him before he could sit down.

"Hey, Ophelia finally agreed to go dress shopping. We're going tomorrow morning." Draco nodded.

"Alright, before you guys leave dinner, stop by and take some money from me to help pay for her items. And if you guys need any help, feel free to take some of the leftover money that Ophelia didn't need." Hermione smiled.

"Thank you, but I will try not to use any of your money. However, Ophelia will probably try and force me to." The two laughed and they both sat down at the table. Dinner went as planned and as Draco had asked, Hermione went up to Draco and took a bag filled with 50 galleons from him. Everyone went to their beds but Ophelia couldn't sleep. She was too excited about the Christmas party that she had completely forgotten about her birthday. Ophelia never tended to like her birthday. People remembered her birthday but she just never enjoyed it. Draco was determined to make this birthday one she would never forget. He wanted to make Ophelia feel special. Draco had gotten something for Ophelia for her birthday, but he didn't know if she would like it. He didn't know if she would like a piece of extravagant jewelry or something small that has a lot of meaning to it. Ophelia tends to like things that say you put a lot of thought into the gift. Draco sighed as he eyed her gift from the corner of his room. It was a picture of the night sky, the night they met all those years ago on July seventeenth. It was the day that his life changed forever.

Draco sighed as he laid his head back. He had begged Harry to use his invisibility cloak just to hide the gift from Ophelia. After a few hours, Harry agreed and Draco thanked him endlessly. Harry only said yes because Draco wouldn't stop saying "please". He wasn't used to it and just gave in so it would stop.

Draco finally stopped thinking when Ophelia hugged him in her sleep. Draco smiled and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. Ophelia smiled and proceeded to snuggle more into Draco. Draco chuckled and closed his eyes, falling to sleep within a few minutes.

The next morning, everyone had met up in the Great Hall for breakfast. Most people were leaving within the hour on the train, and they wanted to have one last breakfast with each other before going back. Pansy and Lavender were still in the hospital wing, and it was clear that they weren't returning back to normal any time soon. Everyone was ecstatic to learn that information. Apparently while brewing the potion, they messed up and the potion turned semi-permanent. It would be several months until they are back to normal.

After breakfast, Hermione, Ginny, and Ophelia gathered their things and apparated to Diagon Alley to meet with Andromeda in her store. When they walked into the store, Andromeda greeted them warmly.

"Ladies! It lovely to see you all again! What can I help you with?"

"We need dresses for a Christmas Dinner." Ophelia smiled at her and they walked around the store, looking at the variety of the dresses. They decided since it isn't an extravagant party, they would get short dresses. Ginny had found a dress that she quite liked. It was red and have a light lace layer on it. The dress also showed a lot of cleavage, so Harry was sure to like the dress. Ginny then got changed and bought her dress along with some black heels.

Hermione then found her dress. It was a maroon color and didn't show much cleavage. Hermione held onto her dress to see if she found another she liked. She also grabbed some black heels.

Ophelia was having a hard time picking out a dress. She thought they were all lovely, just couldn't pick a favorite. Ophelia had been wandering the store for about fifteen minutes when the girls spoke up.

"Ophelia, what's wrong? Do you not like any of the dresses?" Ginny rubbed her arm, and Hermione was starting to freak out. She was starting to think the night was going to end horribly because Ophelia couldn't make up her mind. Ophelia sighed as she sat down.

"I mean, they're all lovely, I just can't find one I'm in love with." Ophelia put her elbow on her knee and her chin on her hand. Andromeda came out after she heard what Ophelia said.

"Oh darling, I think I might have a dress in the back you might like. Just give me a few minutes to find it." Ophelia gave her a small smile and waited with Hermione and Ginny. About another ten minutes went by before Andromeda came out with a dress in one of those dress bags.

"Now, take this into the dressing room and try it on." Andromeda smiled at her and Ophelia gave her one back. Ophelia really didn't want to not like this dress. When she took it out of the bag, she knew immediately that it was meant to be hers. She quickly put it on and walked out by doing a twirl.

"You look gorgeous!" Ginny clapped her hands and Ophelia smiled wide.

"I love it!" Ophelia got changed into her original clothes and she bought the dress along with silver heels. Hermione was starting to pay for her items, but Ophelia insisted that she used some of Draco's money. Hermione gave in and they all left with their dresses in their bags. Ginny and Hermione dropped off Ophelia at the Zabini Manor. They both looked surprised by how well kept and beautiful the whole place was. Unlike Malfoy Manor, it was full of color and life. The garden was well kept, and there was a big tree in the back yard with a tire swing on it covered in snow. The three girls all went inside and Ophelia was met with her parents.

"Ophelia! You're back! And you've brought friends?" Miss Zabini came out and hugged her daughter.

"Yeah! This is Hermoine and that is Ginny!" Miss Zabini seemed happy that her daughter already had great friends. Ophelia has written countless letters home talking about her friends and how happy she is. Mister Zabini came out next and hugged his daughter.

"My little O! It's great to have you back darling. Are these young girls Hermione and Ginny you kept talking about?" Ophelia blushed a little and rubbed the back of her neck. None of her friends knew she sent letters except for Draco. He always watches her write them while they're getting ready for bed.

"Yes, daddy. Anyways, we need to get ready for the Christmas dinner at the Weasley's. I can give you guys a proper house tour another time." Ophelia smiled toward her friends, and bid them goodbye as Hermione and Ginny went to the Weasley household to get ready. Ophelia sighed as she walked up to her room to shower and get changed.

"I hope tonight goes well."

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