Lullaby - Bucky x Assasin Reader

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"This is 204. I'm in position, over."

"Target is located inside the building. Wait for my command."

The faint rain was tossed around by the wind that whistled through her ears, h/l h/c hair flowing with it and going over her eyes. She didn't do so much as blink as she continued to stare at the doors of the bar, waiting for her target to appear. She sat crouched on a rooftop of a nearby building and didn't move an inch. Sniper rifle loaded and well balanced in her gloved hands.
She stared through the scope. Thanks to her complete pitch black stealth suit she was nearly invisible, hiding in the night.
Hydra had given 204 yet another mission, but according to her commander, this was different and far more important. All she knew was they had managed to locate an old ex-Hydra assassin that they wanted to eliminate since he would never consider joining them again. Because of that Hydra wanted him dead.
Her commander told her this assassin would be a tough one. Increased strength, highly trained and skilled in combat, and, most importantly, had a metal arm. It would make him easy to recognize. That is why she would attempt to snipe him instead.
Suddenly through her scope she could see the bar doors open, a man with long brown hair appearing.

"A male just exited the bar," 204 announced emotionlessly and remained as still as a statue.

"Describe." her commander ordered with his deep voice.

"Around six foot, strong muscular body- long haired brunette."

It was silent at the other end for a moment before her commander responded.

"Does he have a metal arm?" he asked with a serious tone. 204 squinted her open eye and focused the scope on the man's hand, trying to catch a glimpse of metal on his fingers since the rest of him was covered up by a thick grey jacket. Suddenly though, a bright light reflected off of his hand from a nearby streetlight causing her to cringe. Now she could see it crystal clear.


"Take him out."

She pulled at the trigger ever so slightly but immediately stopped herself when another man exited the bar behind the target. They appeared to be.. talking to each other. She removed her eye from the scope for a moment and stared at the two men below her.

"Another male just exited the bar. Also six foot, blonde-"

"What's he doing?"

"They appear to be having a conversation. Eliminate both of them?"

204 heard her commander curse and mumble something unintelligible.

"Orders, sir."

"Hold your fire."

204 did as she was told and lowered her weapon, once again removing her eye from the scope and resting the sniper on the roofs cold rock. She waited patiently for orders as it was dead silent in her earpiece. In the meantime she watched the two men out of curiosity, seeing the way they communicated. It seemed as if they knew each other well, she could tell by their body language and by how relaxed the two of them were.

"Abort the mission."

204's eyes widened in shock as she put her gloved hand on her ear piece.


"Abort the mission!" her commander practically yelled, his words laced in annoyance. "Go back to where we left you. A van will pick you up."

His voice calmed a bit but she could tell he was extremely upset.

"..Yes sir."

204 couldn't believe it. They had to abort the mission because of this second man?

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