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~Your P.O.V~

~A few years later~

"Shin-Ae you hurt Dieter's feelings" I look at her a shocked expression "why didnt you just say no in a less blunt way" Rika says as she face palms "I dont want him to think that I could have the slightest bit if feelings for him and if I was less blunt about it he would've taken that as a sign that he could still have a chance" she crosses her arms, Rika sighs "all of this talking is making me hungry" says Shin-Ae "how about after school let's go to That burger place, I'll be the one paying" I smile at all of them and they rapidly nod their heads

~After school~

"I'll be your server for today, would you girls like anything to drink?" Says the waitress "ah, yeah. I'll have orange soda please" says Shin-Ae "I'll have water" Maya looks at Rika indicating she has to order "same here" is all she says "can I have an Oreo milkshake" I smile at the waitress as she writes everything down "and are you all ready to order?" Questions the waitress "we're ready. Veggie burger for me please" Rika says "Hawaiian burger for me" says Maya "I'll have a double Cheese burger" I say and look at Shin-Ae for her to order "and I'll take the Heart attack! I've been meaning to try it out!" I look at her with wide eyes then the waitress leaves soon Maya begins to ask us if her mask looks good "for what?" Ask Shin-Ae

"Oh, its for this party the company my dad works for throws. Its masquerade themed this year. You wanna come? Maya and (Y/n) are gonna be there." "I don't know parties aren't really my thing..." "Some really famous people come from time to time" Rika says using her cheeky voice "so? I'd rather stay home." "Did I mention all the free 5-star food?" Rika smirks "oh?" Is all Shin-Ae is able to say "yeah! Its the Hirahara company after all. They get the best of the best! Wagyu steaks, Duck foie gras, Caviar, you name it!" "They have it all!" joins in Maya

"And you're positive that its free?" "Yep" both Maya and Rika nod their heads "well then...if that's the case...then I'll go" Shin-Ae smiles and we all laugh "oh guys before I forget I'm going to be transferring to a different school" I look at their faces and I see shocked faces as Shin-Ae was about to say something she began to hide 'Dieter' she mouths, Rika and Maya hide as well I then hear Dieter and some other boys talking

"You'll get over her in no time!" I hear an unfamiliar voice say "I dunno.." Says Dieter "that no-date-hoe, the way she eats now, she's gonna end up looking like a pig in the future, not that she doesn't look like one now, she's not even pretty" says the unfamiliar voice again and I immediately get up and walk to the booth behind me and slam my hand on the table filled with rage

"Listen up closely cause I'm not gonna tell you again don't ever talk shit about my friend like that or else your not going to be able to talk ever again" I give him a devilish smirk "whatever that still doesn't change the fact the she's a bitch just like you" he rolls his eyes then the boy sitting next to Dieter stand up and gets orange juice all over his school uniform "I'm terribly sorry sir I didn't mean to toss my drink at you...I was aiming at your...friend...I hope you understand, I couldn't let what your friend said slide."

"Its ok, although it sucks that my jacket got ruined as a result" he says "then hand me your jacket, I'll take care of this mess" says Shin-Ae "are you sure?" "Yes its only natural since it was my fault" she holds a napkin in her hands as he give her his jacket. She sets the coat down on a tables and begins to punch it with the napkin on top of it "I'm really sorry shout my fr-YEONG-GI!" joy fills up inside my body "(Y/n)! You've changed so much" he pulls me into a hug and I hug him back "so I see you're umm...becoming a woman" when he says that I instantly know what he's talking about

Then all if a sudden I feel a pair of hands on my breast "this is how big all girls wish they could be" says Rika from behind me "umm...Rika can you not, thanks" she pulls her hands away and begins to talk to Shin-Ae "so is your father still as cold as always? And I see you go to one of the most prestigious schools" I say to him "yeah, so you go to the same school as Dieter"

"yeah but my father wants me to go to the same school as you" his eyes fill with joy "that's amazing!" He smiles "wait are you going to go to the company party, right?" I nod my head "yeah" is all I say "I can't wait those parties were starting to get boring" he gives one of his most adorable smiles "see you tonight" he smiles once more "yea" I smile back and head home

~Time skips~

I get ready for the party and put my mask on "I'm ready" I walk down the stairs with a smile on my face and see that Kiyoshi's clearly annoyed "why are you so happy, those parties are so boring" he says and rolls his eyes "I'm smiling because I'm going to be able to see Yeong-Gi again" I keep the smile on my face "wait doesn't that mean that Kousuke goes to the parties?" I question my brother

"Yep" he nods his head "then why don't you talk to him at the parties?" I ask once again "you know how he gets around dessert" we both laugh and we head towards the limousine "when we arrive remember be polite, don't be an embarrassment to us, be presentable and most importantly don't go around messing our company name" says my mother "yea ok we get it the company is more important then your own children" I say annoyingly and place my hand on my cheek and look out the window "that's not what she's saying, she loves you both very much" says my dad "well its not my fault she makes it seem like that" I roll my eyes still looking outside the window

Soon the limousine comes to a stop we all get out and head inside I quickly look around to see if I could spot Shin-Ae or Yeong-Gi, I walk inside and begin to wonder around and my brother greets people who he's going to have to work with I then see the stairs and head down, I see a girl in a redish purple dress bump into a tall young male, I look at her face closer and see that's Shin-Ae, she then runs out the room as I follow behind and I see a woman pass with food on a plate and by my guess she also say it "Shin-Ae wait" she turns around and sees me "hey (Y/n)" she says with a smile "are you ok? I saw you bump into someone earlier" "I will be once I get food" I laugh and we head towards the food "this is awesome!!! I'm trying out every single thing they have to offer!!!"

She puts everything on her plate she quickly looks at something else when I look I see she's staring at a Tiramisu then I see another hand trying to reach out to get it but sadly for that person Shin-Ae grabbed it first as we were about to leave Shin-Ae falls to the floor "MY PRECIOUS FOOD!!!" She looks up at the tall male "were you the one that tripped me??? That's my cake! I got it fair and square! You better give it back!" Shouts Shin-Ae "give it back?" I look at his face and gasp "with that sad, low quality outfit of yours? Dont make me laugh...judging by the amount of food on the floor you'll be fine without it fatass, how did you even get invited to this party? Have standards gotten that low? You're not even wearing a mask" he turns around and begins to walk away but before he could leave Shin-Ae threw her steak at him

"Oops my bad. I was aiming for my mouth... But I hit the asshole instead." "This suit is a Dolce de leche do you have any idea how much my jacket alone costs???" As Shin-Ae was about to respond I quickly cover her mouth "I'm really sorry about my friend and I'll pay for the damage done to your jacket...Kousuke" I let go of Shin-Ae and tell her that I'll meet up with her later she leaves and goes to god knows where "Damnit she got away!!!" I pull Kousuke down to my level "just let her go" I scoff at him

"I dont even know you so don't speak to me in that manner" he says in his 'gentleman' voice and I slap him across his face "get your head out the clouds the Tiramisu isn't going anywhere" I take off my mask and he gasp "oh my god I'm so sorry (Y/n)" he keeps on apologizing "you better be" I say teasingly "now go eat your Tiramisu, I need to go find her" I sigh and head off to try to find her


I know that this is a long chapter but I hope you enjoyed it baii for now :)


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