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~Your P.O.V~

"No no no. How could I?! How could we" I feel his breath down my neck and feel his lips press against it "Yeong-Gi please this is serious how could we have done something like this to Soushi" he then stops and I feel him shuffling around on the bed "it was a life or death situation there was nothing we could've done, that was the only solution and taking you to Soushi's place would've taken too long and you wouldn't want to be dead, right" I sigh and he gets up from the side of the bed he was on, walks over to me and lifts my chin up so we made eye contact

"Besides both your body and voice were telling me you enjoyed what happened last night" he smirks and I couldn't do anything but look down because he had a point. "That was only to save my life and just like you that was my first time so of course I would enjoy it but the difference between you guys and us girls is that when it's our first time it matters to us unlike you guys. you guys think it's some token to prove something!" I shout at him "have you forgotten who I am (Y/n)?! Your own best friend!"

I get up grab my clothes from off the floor and head towards the bathroom to shower

~Yeong-Gi's P.O.V~

As she walks off into the bathroom I sit on the edge of the bed thinking if Soushi would see that it was the only option or get mad at me. I walk out and head towards the guest bathroom with my towel in hand and use the shower there and as soon as I get in I turn the water on letting it hit my body as I process everything and how to deal with the situation

~After the shower~

"Hey Yeong-Gi I've thought about it and I'm very grateful that you saved me but I also want to keep this away from Soushi and it's also good for you because you're with Alyssa...plus I love Soushi I don't want to hurt him and this would probably end things between him and I" she says the last part very sadly and for as much as she tried to hide it I could see her pain through her smile...that sad smile, I nod my head "of course" I smile at her, she then walks over to me and hugs me "thank you Yeong-Gi" I hug her back and tell her to finish getting ready because I'm going to drop her off at her house

~Time skips~

~Your P.O.V~

"Thanks for dropping me off Yeong-Gi" I smile at him and walk inside my house and close the door behind me "where have you been!!! You didn't come home last night!!!" I sigh and ignore my mother "(Y/N) IM TALKING TO YOU! YOU LITT—" "honey let it go it was only one night" says my father. I walk up to my room and close the door but even with the door closed I could still her talking

"Why are you so hard on her (M/n) (mother's name)"

"Can't you see she's useless to our family (F/n) (fathers name)"

"She's our daughter and she's not useless"

"I wish she wasn't my daughter, god I wish I could've just aborted her when I had the chance"

I slide down my door as tears leave my eyes, I pull my legs up to my chest and burry my face between my my chest and my knees "why can't I just be loved by my mother like a normal girl" I whisper to myself I then hear a knock "(Y/n) your mot–"

"Leave me alone...please" I hear Luna's footsteps get farther away and I keep crying until the crying slowly stops and my eyelids get heavier soon enough I'm asleep

~Time skips~

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing nonstop, I pick up my phone and see that Soushi is calling


"Hey babe I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me"

"...I would love too"

"Ok I'll pick you up at 6"



I look at the time on my phone '3:15 pm... I have three hours to get ready' I walk to my closet and begin to look for something cute to wear I then give up 15 minutes in looking for something to wear to I get undressed and take a 45 minutes to hour shower, I sit on my bed letting my hair dry and going through social media and come across a post from Alyssa. I look at it for a while and subconsciously read the caption out loud

"can't wait to go back to South Korea and see the love of my life🥰❣️"

I sigh and keeping going through until I receive a text from Soushi telling me that he's on his way, I look at the time and see that is already 5 I rush over to my closet and take out ripped jeans, fish net and white crisscross knot hem tube top one with my white Air Max 97. Once I'm done changing I sit in front of my vanity dressing table and begin to put my hair into double dutch braids with a few strands of hair out in the front as bangs and as soon as I finish I get a text from Soushi telling me that he's here

I grab my phone and begin walking out the door and walk towards the (vehicle of choice) and we head off to wherever he was planning on taking me

~A little bit of time skips~

We arrive at one of the most expensive restaurants around and when we walk in the waiter tells us to follow him towards our table, when we sit down he gives us our menus and leaves "you look really nice babe" I look up at Soushi and see him smiling "thanks you do too" I smile back "well look who it is...if it isn't (Y/n) the loser and she's here with a nobody" I look over to my left shoulder and see


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I and I'm glad I was able to update today and not like 2 months later and I'm fully aware that this chapter is trashy well most of them are soooo wouldn't be any different but if you did enjoy it please vote or leave a comment letting me know that you did and honestly I need to stop updating around 3 or 4 am we'll bye for now :)


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