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~Your P.O.V~

I wake up and see both boy are still asleep I walk up to Yeong-Gi's closet and unbutton the dress shirt as I let it fall from my shoulders still having the boxers on, I hear shuffling on the floor but continue on with finding something to wear "(Y/n)-AHHHH!!" I turn my head around as I see both Yeong-Gi and Soushi with nosebleeds but still looking at me

"AHHHHHH!!!LUCY KICK!!!" I cover myself as I kick the both of them "YOU GUYS CAN'T JUST SCARE ME LIKE THAT WHEN I'M BASICALLY NAKED!!!" I yell at them "s-sorry" they both say in sync "but it's also your fault and besides why are you so afraid of being naked in front of me" says Yeong-Gi "because I'm a girl and you're a boy" I look at him blankly "so? We've taken baths together before so I don't know why you act like I've never seen you naked before" he says

"we were little the only thing I had to show were my nipples but it's different now I've matured and you've never seen me naked before in this state at least" I scoff "I'm your best friend we've seen every part of eachother" says Yeong-Gi "no we haven't, I matured in some areas and I'm sure you have too or it could be as little as it was when we were younger who knows?" I shrug

"then don't be shy" he says smiling "so you want me to walk around your house naked!!!" I grab my now clean bra and put it on as we talk, I walk inside the closet and close the doors and change into my now clean pantie "well I'm not saying that but that would be a sight to behold" he smirks, I put my hands on my wait and bend down to Yeong-Gi's hight

(he's sitting on his bed that's why you're taller than him)

"does Alyssa do that when she comes to visit you when she's not busy?" he looks away as his cheeks become red "no" he softly says "awww it's okay Yeong-Gi I'll help you get your mind off of how busy Alyssa always is" I smile at him and his eyes light up "after school on Monday I'll come here with a lingerie to take your mind off things...I'm just kidding on Monday we'll go to the arcade okay" I give him a smile again as he nods his head while smiling back

~Time skips~

"woah today was so much fun thanks for dropping me off home Yeong-Gi, bye Soushi see ya after school" I say as I wave at both the males and smile then head inside the house and as soon as I close the door behind me my smile fades away, I sluggishly walk up the stairs to my room.  I change into some shorts and white shirt I then hear someone knock on my door "who is it?" I ask "it's me Luna, your mother says to go downstairs she needs to talk to you" I open the door and nod my head

I put my phone in my back pocket  and head down the steps "what" I say not making eye contact with her "Yui Kousuke's mother said that should would love if you could go to her house with Yeong-Gi after school...look at me when I speak to you!" I look at her "tch what's the point of even telling me when you're going to force me to go either way, now if you'll excuse me I have to go to sleep" I hear her growl and stomp her foot making me stop in place "don't you dare ever talk to me like that young lady! I gave birth to you! I should've just aborted you when I had the chance! Why can't you be like Kiyoshi!" I look at the floor and let the shadow of my bangs cover my eyes, she grabs my arm and turns me around at that moment I feel my phone vibrate

She throws me on the ground making the phone stop vibrating and I thought the call was declined "stand on your feet like a proper human being! You're such a disgrace to this family you can't even get a single guy to like you!" she slightly laughs "what man would be in love with the likes of you" she bursts out laughing and I stay silent knowing that everything she's saying is true "don't stay quite! I was talking to you so you should answer!" she squats down to my hight and pulls my hair making me look at her, I quickly look some where else other then her

"when some one is talking to you look them in the eyes!" she smacks her hand across my face then she grabs me by my neck and forces me on the floor while still gripping my neck "that suffocating feeling you have right now, that's fear" she says as her grip tightens a little "that actually your hand crushing my windpipe" I say blankly "DON'T GET SMART WITH ME (Y/N)!" she tightens her grip a lot and digs her nails into my left arm and right thigh. I hiss in pain and try to push her off me soon after she gets off me

"you can go now, oh and one more thing you didn't tell anyone about the first bruise right?" I shake my head letting her no that I didn't tell anyone "Yeong-Gi and Soushi almost found out but I told them I fell down the stairs and tied my uniform tie tightly so you don't have to worry about anything regarding me" I say emphasizing the last words with pain

I sigh and limp all the way to my room then change into my pajamas I take my phone out my back pocket and see that there was an ongoing call with Yeong-Gi


"why would you lie to me and Soushi like that (Y/n)"

"I-I had to I didn't want to but I just had to I'm really sorry Yeong-Gi"

"it's fine I just wish you would've told us the truth or at least just me the truth"

"there's nothing you can really do now *sigh*"

"you could just live with me"

"so that when Alyssa comes back she'll get jealous and say I'm trying to steal you away from her,  no thanks"

"she'll understand I'm sure of it"

"no she won't she might say that you but deep down inside she'll want to kill me"

"oh hold on Alyssa is calling me,  are you about to sleep???"


"okay goodnight (Y/n)"

"night Yeong-Gi"

I hang up and put my phone to charge, I yawn and let myself drift off to sleep


I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while but I wasn't feeling well but I'll try to not let my illness stop me from writing and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter baii for now :)


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