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~Your P.O.V~
I look over my shoulder and see
Min "well at least I can find someone who I love for who they are unlike you just trying to be with people who have tons of money and status plus unlike you I don't suck up to people" I say back keeping my composure "you little bitch!" She raises her hand "don't do anything rash Min unless you want to ruin your family's name and I'm sure they won't be happy about that...now would they" I smirk and she puts her hand back down

"Tch whatever" is all she says and walks away with her little friends. I then drive my attention back to Soushi and see him looking at me with amazement in his eyes "what is it?" I ask him "it's just so cool that you were able to make her back off without you even having to get violent or even get up from your chair" he says "well it's easy to make people like her back off because all they care about is money and their families name and nothing else so just reminding them about what they'll do will affect their name will make them back off"

"Are you ready to order?" I nod at the waiter "I would like the Kobe beef well done and for the drink I would like a (insert drink here)" I close the menu and give it to the waiter "and what about you sir"

"I'll have the Kobe beef well done as well and for the drink I'd like a coke" he closes the menu and hands it over to the waiter "I'll be back with your food" the waiter smiles, bows and leaves to tell the chef the order. Soon Soushi begins talking but I don't catch anything he's saying die to my mind full of thoughts of what happened with Yeong-Gi "hey (Y/n) are you okay?" I look at Soushi and nod "yeah I'm fine just thinking bout some stuff ya know" I force a smile "what ya thinking about?" He asks "nothing of importance" I keep on smiling

"But if you were thinking about it then it must be important" he says a little bit concerned "well not really" I sweat drop "I was just thinking about if I made my bed this morning" I lie to him, he lets out a little laugh "that's what you're really thinking about" he laughs more "I told you it wasn't important" then the waiter comes back with our food and places it in front of use "thank you" I smile at the waiter "no problem miss" he smiles back and bows then leaves

~Time skips~

"Thanks for the date Soushi" I kiss him on the cheek and get out the (vehicle of choice) and walk into the house and up to my room and sit on the edge of my bed, as soon as I sit down I get a text from Yeong-Gi

"Hey I need to talk to you it's super important"

"Ok where and what time?"

"I'll pick you up, I'll be there in 10"


I quickly go downstairs and wait outside the entrance door of the house

~Ten minutes later~

I see Yeong-Gi pull up to the front and I walk up to the car and get in and he begins driving away from the house staying very quite "soooo...what was the super important thing?" I say looking out the window "well it's just that Alyssa is coming back and I want to get her something special for her so what is something you girls like?" I sigh "if you want it to be special why are you asking me? Especially asking what girls like then that would just be a gift that every other girl wants, just ask her what she'd want or like" I look at him and see that he's focusing on the road "if you want I can help you find out what she wants"

He nods his head and I take out phone I then scroll through my contacts list and once I find her name I text her

"Hey Alyssa I was wondering if you could help me pick out something for me"

"Hmmm well if I were you I would but the new handbag from Gucci it's would totally go with one of my dresses"

"I'll go check it out thanks for the help"

"No problem"

I look at Yeong-Gi "so what did she say" he says while he gives me a few glances then back at the road "she said she wants new handbag from Gucci" I look out the window and stay silent and a few minutes pass by then Yeong-Gi says something "are you okay?" I look at him "huh?...oh yeah I'm okay" I look back out the window "you sure? You're way too quiet so there must be something bothering you" I look at my reflection on the window and give myself a sad smile "you know me so well" "well then what's wrong?" He pulls over and I could feel him looking at me so I look at the window and see his reflection looks at my back waiting for me to turn around but I don't turn around

"I just feel like our friendship is going to change for the better or the worse and I don't want that to happen" I sigh then we both get out the car and begin walking inside the mall, he sits down on a bench and pulls me onto his lap then I feel his arms wrapped around my waist as his forehead was laying on the back of my neck and says "if our friendship gets worse I'll do anything I can to make it better" I feel tears leaving my eyes I get up, turn to face him and sit back down on his lap but this time my legs were on the bench on each side of his while facing him "I'm so happy we're best friends" I hug him tightly as more tears flow.

God I'm super late with this one but I hope you enjoy this chapter if you did leave a comment or a vote letting me on and a giant thank you to those who stick around even with my super late updates bye for now :)


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