
659 19 3

~Your P.O.V~
I get up and wipe my tears away "let's go get Alyssa her gift" I smile at him "yea" he smiles back and we begin walking into the store to get Alyssa her gift "I'll wait for you out here" I say to him while standing right outside the store, he nods and walks inside. I stare at my feet and see two pairs of feet stop in front of me, I look up and see Soushi with a random girl. I stare at them both as he looks back and forth between me and her "so you're not going to introduce me to her" I say "oh right... (Y/n) this is Violet, Violet this is (Y/n)" I look back at her and see that she's looking at me with disgust in her eyes, she then comes close to me and hugs me "I'm going to make you the both of you break up" she whispers in my ear then back up a little

"It's so good to finally meet Soushi's girlfriend" she puts on a fake smile "I wouldn't say the same for you" I glare at her "don't be so rude (Y/n)." says Soushi "don't worry about it Sou–" "don't waste your breath Violet" I cut her off and as soon as I finish Yeong-Gi walks out the store and greets Soushi when he sees him "let's go Yeong-Gi I don't want to be here any longer than I have to" I pull his arm and begin walking "I didn't even get to show Soushi what I got Alyssa" he whines "I don't care, I didn't want to be there and besides I'm sure Alyssa is going to be showing it off as soon as you give it to her" I say with a hint of attitude and he stays quiet. I then get a text from his mother

"Are you dead or something (Y/n)?"

"What!! No why ask?"

"Because you didn't come to my house when I asked you to"

"I'm so sorry I got caught up in things if you'd like I can go right now"

"That would be wonderful I'll be waiting for you"

"Okay I'll be there in like 20 minutes or less"

"Yeong-Gi I need you to drop me off at your mothers house" I look at him and see that he doesn't want to because we both what she's capable of "if you say so" is all he says, we get into the car and he starts the engine

~Time skips~

I knock on the door and I see Mrs.Hirahara "come in" she says with a smile and motions me to follow her, I follow her into a room she looks walks into her walk-in closet and search's for something, once she finds it she walks out "I have laid out something for you to try on" she pushes me into the closet and closes the door behind me. I walk over to the clothes and see a black dress, I take off my clothes and put on the black dress and as soon as I put it over my shoulders I feel it squish my breast and feel it also cutting my air supply not soon after I begin to breath heavily

I then also begin to sweat, the lack of oxygen in my body makes me remember that day when she choked me until I could barely breathe, then the closets double doors bursts open "OH MY GOD (Y/N) ARE YOU OKAY!?!?" I look over at the voice and see a blurry figure but as it gets closer I can make out their features and see that it's Mrs.Hirahara "y-yea I'm— okay" for every word I say I feel my breath being taken, I then see her grab scissors as my vision becomes even more blurred and the voice becoming muffled all I feel is the sensation of the dress being cut off my shoulders before blacking out


I wake up, rub my eyes then sit up to see my surroundings only to see that everything was grassy "you finally woke up" says a voice next to me so I look over and see Yeong-Gi sitting next to me his right hand on his cheek while giving me a closed eye smile, he then grabs me by my wrist and pulls me close to him as he leans towards my ear and whispers "I've waited for so long to tell you how I actually feel about you..." he backs up and I look at him and see him have a straight face but soon it turns into an evil grin "I can't believe you actually thought I would genuinely want to be your friend"

"Wh-what are you saying..." I stutter and he grabs my face and brings it closer to his making sure that I keep eye contact "I only became your friend to strengthen our family's relationship and to make sure that my family benefited from this" he let's go of my face and walks away. I fall down to my knees and as soon as I do I see everything around me change. I see a door in front of me but nothing else like a very bright empty void with the only thing inside being a door, I put my hand on the doorknob and slowly turn it and open it. No words can describe how much I regret opening that door, tears soon turn into streams going down my face as I fall down to my knees once again "I-I thought you loved me Soushi..." I bite down on my bottom lip as the pain grows

"I did but I found someone better and that was Violet" he looks at me and gives me an evil smile and see that Violet is just smirking while hold him close, she then walks up to me and leans down to my ear "it's only a matter of time before you lose everything and everyone you love and care for" she pulls herself back and laughs softly as soon as she begins walking towards Soushi everything around me changes again, but this time everything around me is dark and from that darkness I see a figure walking up to me and when it gets closer I see it's a person wearing a mask point a gun to my head and in a blink of an eye...



I shoot up and feel my heart beating rapidly, as my eyes begin to adjust to the darkness I see that I'm in a hospital bed and Yeong-Gi sleeping on the couch I then look at my lap and see that Soushi is sitting in a chair next to the bed and asleep with his head on my lap. I place my hand on his head as I smile and tears run down my cheeks

I'm sorry I haven't updated since October. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'm very sorry for making you guys wait so long :( well bye for now :)


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