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~Your P.O.V~

"Shin-Ae!" I grab her by her shoulders and shake her until her eyes are open "are you okay?" ask Dieter very concerned "what happened?" questions Shin-Ae "you fainted in the middle of playing..." answers Yeong-Gi "...fainted? How embarrassing. I lost to Soushi then?"

"nah I stopped as soon as I saw you fall over..." he says "well im good to go again! Lets have a do-over since our session go interrupted." i look at Shin-Ae "girl you just fainted, you're pushing yourself and besides its getting late so you should really go home and rest" I say "we'll just call it a day...you got us really worried! Glad you're okay!" says Rika as she extends her hand out to help Shin-Ae up once shes up everyone grabs their belongings and Shin-Ae to heads outside as I was going to trail behind her I got stopped by Soushi "(Y/n), I've been meaning to tell you something" "okay what is it" I smile at him "I really like you so I was wondering if you would go out with me" he immediately looks away, I look at him with a surprised look then smile "yea I'd love to"

"Really!?" he shouts and I nod my head, I then leave and catch up to Shin-Ae "miss Yoo and (Y/n)?" says a very familiar voice both Shin-Ae and I look up and see Kousuke "what a pleasant surprise..." my body tenses up "I wasnt expecting to see you here neither...especially here of all places..." she replies "I'm here for my brother and (Y/n), since (Y/n) is here i dont have to look for her on the other hand its quite the opposite for my brother. Have you seen him?"

"hes still inside, he should come out any moment now" she says and at the moment Yeong-Gi comes out and as soon as he sees Kousuke his eyes widen "how did you manage to find me?" Yeong-Gi's voice shakes a bit "I called you and I assume you accepted it by accident. I overheard you and your friends talking about the arcade then. Not reallys surprised. You can be quite careless sometimes...with that being said...come...you don't want tk keep our father waiting...Nol." as soon as he finishes that sentence I get in the car not wanting to argue with them

"lets go...before father gets mad." Kousuke reaches out to grab Yeong-Gi's hand but Yeong-Gi slaps his hand "you okay there mate?" ask Soushi, Yeong-Gi stayes quiet then looks at Shin-Ae and then to the floor "I-I dont need you to hold my hand. I can walk to the car by myself..." He begins to walk towards the car "so much for eating out..." I hear someone say "I'm sorry I have to leave you guys..." Yeong-Gi apologies to Soushi and Dieter "its okay, mate!" "family first..." says Dieter "we can always eat at Five Lads another time." Yeong-Gi smiles at what Soushi says then the smile immediately fades away when his eyes gaze apon Shin-Ae

"Kousuke" "yes little brother?" "do me a favor and get Shin-Ae some food. I was gonna buy her some, had you not found me. I'll be compliant for the rest of the week if you do so..." "just get in the car." says Kousuke and he does as he says and closes the car door behind him leaving Mrs.Hirahara and Kousuke to talk "I know how much you hate those dinners with them and how they force you to go whether you want to or not" I sigh and pull him into a hug "its okay I'll be there with you" I give him a sad smile "im sk happy right know (Y/n)" he smiles "why?"

"because I took your arm virginity away " he smile "wait why are you coming to the dinner?" he looks at me confused "well...I was forced to come by my mother and your mom wanted me to go I dont know why she wanted me to go I guess she just wants to talk to me about something or ask when I'm going to begin to work at my father's company I guess" I shrug my shoulders as he lays his head on my shoulder and at that moment Mrs.Hirahara come into the car

"I'm glad that you decided to accept my dinner invitation, I actually wanted to talk to you about some things" she smiles "oh okay" i smile at her and not to long after Kousuke comes back and into the car "I did as you wanted Yeong-Gi...now keep your end of it" he flatly says without even taking a look at him

~At the Hirahara Estate~

"Hello Mr.Hirahara" I say politely and bow "hello (Y/n) I didnt expect for you to actually accept Yui's invitation" he says as he takes his seat at the dining table "well its a great honor to be invited by Mrs.Hirahara for dinner" I smile at him as I take my seat next to Yeong-Gi "and dear Kousuke...you failed to mention how adorable this 'Miss Yoo' girl was...her appearance may not be very refined, be that as it may she is still very appealing..." "you mean appalling" interrupts Kousuke "there have only been three girls you've ever mentioned. Meg whom who speak of with scorn, Miss Yoo and our lovely (Y/n) you speak with an air of interest." says his mother

"thats where you're mistaken I am no way interested in either of them" he says placing the food in his mouth "I could arrange for you and (Y/n) or you and Miss Yoo to be married. Do you know of any asset her family possesses that may be beneficial to the company?" smiles Mrs.Hirahara "Mother, please" he says almost spiting out his food "oh, calm down, my boy I'm only teasing. You always take everything too seriously! Right honey?" finishes Mrs.Hirahara and Mr.Hirahara begins to talk

I look at Yeong-Gi and see a sad expression all over his face as I was about to place my hand on his shoulder Mr.Hirahara startles me by yelling at Yeong-Gi "NOL is everything alright? You haven't touched your food" he says "I'm sorry father. I was lost in thought" replies Yeong-Gi

"will you be able to bring Alyssa? She'd be a great asset to bring with all the fame she's receiving right now." "I dont know" he says "how is school going for you? Top of the class like your brother I presume?" "no" is all Yeong-Gi says to him "college is only a few months away, you aren't skipping out on your studies, are you? It would be a bih disappointment if you didnt graduate as valedictorian like your older brother over here. Everyone's expecting a lot more from you. All you've achieved so far is attaining a famous girlfriend." he finishes

"if you'll excuse me Mr and Mrs.Hirahara I need to use the washroom for a second" I stand and excuse myself as I go into one of the bathrooms in the estate, I look into the mirror and look away 'I'm such a bad friend I cant even protect him from his own family's words...What type of best friend doesn't know what to do in a situation like this' as I remember the sad look he had in his eyes I flinch and turn back to the mirror and see tears leaving my (e/c) eyes, I quickly wipe them away, splash my face with water and find my way back to the dinning room

~Some time later~

"I'll drop off Nol first and then (Y/n)" with that being said we both get in the car and stay silent the entire ride to his house. When we arrive we all go in Yeong-Gi immediately goes to his fitness room as Kousuke follows behind, I quietly wait by the door as I overhear their conversation "I'll be picking you up from school everyday this week since father will be away for a bit, I'll be needing your help at work. I trust you will be compliment all week. I did fulfill your request I bought your new friend food."

"I will...You have my word" I hear Yeong-Gi's voice say and I quickly rush out back to the couch and ait down as if I heard nothing

~Some more time later~

"Thanks Kousuke" I smile at him "no problem" he smiles back. I enter the Villa and go directly to my room and begin to call Mrs.Hirahara

"Hirahara Yui speaking with whom am I speaking with"

"its me Lin (Y/n) I would like to speak to you about something..."

"okay what is it you want to talk about"



I know I haven't updated in a while but I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and remember to share and vote if you enjoyed this chapter  and we are only getting started with the juiciness well baii for now :)


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