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~Your P.O.V~

I look into his emerald green eyes and...slowly move my hand towards his until we're hand in hand, Shin-Ae looks at me with a confused expression "why did you have to do all that? You're so dramatic but yea we'll be your partners for this prank" she says and crosses her arms, we then begin to walk towards the bar as we take a seat then Shin-Ae begins to speak "So...why are we here at the bar?" "I'm going to ask the bartender for some help." He simply replies "why the bartender" questions Shin-Ae "we'll need him to make things more convincing." I look at him "what is this prank anyway?" I question him "we're gonna prank call your friends." He says "what? That's it? A prank call??? You're kidding me right???" Interrupts Shin-Ae, the male keeps quiet "I could come up with something way better than a lame prank call...the heck are you smiling for? Stop that..." She blabs once again "just trust me" he says while keeping the smile on his face

I hand him my now unlocked phone and he calls Rika's phone and it immediately send him to voicemail "Yo. I'm just letting you know, your friends are at the bar with me...and they had a few too many drinks...and they won't stop because you guys ditched them? They're mad drunk right now..." "Our only *hic* friends... I feel so betrayed right now! Huu~ I cri. I need to drink all my sorrows away! Gimme another beer!!!" Says Shin-Ae "You heard that...well, anyway I'm just gonna take them with me... I'll show them how to have a good time when we arrive at my place..." Says the male I see Shin-Ae expression change as I let out a little chuckle "Hey! You're going a little to far now there buddy! Now stop!" Exclaims Shin-Ae

"Stop? You weren't against this earlier! You were really into it too!" Soon they begin to argue, I look up and see the bartender looking at us "why are you up here at the bar? You don't look old enough to be here. Show me your I.D." both Shin-Ae and the male stop arguing and I pull out my I.D. "we're not here for drinks but here you go" I say and the male shows his too "also if would let our friend stay up here with us...we'd greatly appreciate it." He adds "Ah! Of course! Sorry I didn't recognize you any sooner miss and sir. What would you guys like to drink?" "Go ahead and ask for anything to drink..." Says the green eyed male "I'll take a plain glass of some juice please..." Says Shin-Ae

"I'll take ice cold water please" I smile at the bartender "okay, what about you, sir?" "I'll pass on the drinks. But I need you to do something for me. My friends over here got ditched by they're friends so we've decided to prank them." "So what's do you need me to do?" Ask the bartender "when they do come up here looking for them...can you tell them they left the party drunk with a dude" the bartender nods his head "sure what do they look like?" He ask, I pull out my phone and pull up a picture of only Rika and Maya "one's wearing a black dress with a black mask, the other a blue dress and red mask" I say to him

"Anything else?" "That's it. Thanks, man" says orange haired male soon enough both the male and Shin-Ae begin to talk and the bartender hands us our drink and I just can't help but feel like the third wheel so I begin to read comics on my phone but I then feel funny, I look over to Shin-Ae and see a weirdo trying to have 'fun' with her I get up from my seat and I push him away from her "she said she's not interested" I glare at him "well aren't you a cute one" he says in my ear loud enough for Shin-Ae to also hear and my body quickly tenses up "look dude I'm not interested in you or your intentions can't you just leave us alone" I say to him my body slightly relaxed

He moves closer to me and with each step he took forward I stepped back until my back came in contact with a wall, he puts his arms to my side so I won't try to get away, he leans his head down to my ear "you can't escape me even if you try" he whispers as I could feel his breath on my neck "she's clearly not interested. So why don't you leave her alone and get out of here. Or I'll have to take care of you myself!" I look in the direction the voice came from and see that it was the orange haired male "tch" is all the guy says before leaving "are you guys okay? He didn't hurt you or anything?" He looks at Shin-Ae "I'm alright if it wasn't for (Y/n) I dont know what would've happened to me" she smiles at me, I look at him and he looks at me with a smile "why did not you tell me it was you (Y/n)!" I look at him with a confused expression

"Its me Yeong-Gi" he smile "ohhh I was wondering why you looked so familiar" I laugh and I sit next to Shin-Ae "hey Shin-Ae are you gonna finish your juice?" I ask her "no, do you want it?" I nod my head and she gives it to me, as I drink the juice Yeong-Gi begins to explain to her that this happens all the time in parties "BLEAGH!" I spit out the juice "Shin-Ae is this orange juice?" And she nods her head

~15 minutes later~

"Ah! The cab must be waiting for you outside! This $50 is all I got should be more than enough..." I look around as everything becomes muffled and I begin to feel exhausted I look at Shin-Ae and see her heading towards the cab and my vision becoming blurry, I feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead and my body itching to get out of my clothes because of the heat  and all of a sudden everything goes pitch black


I think this is the earliest I've updated so far but I hope you all enjoy this update :) and leave a vote and share with your friends it would help me out a lot but like I said I hope you enjoyed this update baii for now :)


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