chapter 26

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I'm not surprised Grayson was on the ground once again

I sure hope he's able to knee down whenever he proposes to his girl instead of fainting 24/7

"Boy you need some Jesus"I said as Lisa laughed helping Grayson up as he glared at his mom for laughing

"Heyyy your supposed to be on my side ma"he said sitting down in one of the chairs next to me

"I laugh at a lot of things hun don't get offended"she said and I nodded

"She means salty"I said clarifying it for her

He crossed his arms like a little kid not getting what he wants in the store

"Let's get going Cameron is gonna be home soon"Lisa said as she grabbed her stuff and walked towards the door of the saloon as we followed her

"AHHHHH"the girls yelled

"You look so fine Ell"Christina said messing with my hair admiring the color

"Mhmmm might even get Ethan"Makenzie said making a gag noise

My mouth hung open

"Ewww Makenzie shut the fuck up"I said laughing as she started dieing of laughter as Christina stood their wondering what we where laughing at

It took her while to realize and she just fake threw up and I thought I was gonna pee my pants

This girl slow af

I dried my tears as Makenzie did aswell

Ethan comes downstairs and looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed

"You look good"he said and I thanked him as he went in the kitchen to get a drink

I hate the way Ethan acts around me. He feels like he has to walk on egg shells around me and if he does something wrong I'm gonna go ballistic on him. But I'm not. I'm over his little game he played with me. I'm not that type of girl who holds a grudge forever unless someone who cheats on my best friend

I followed Ethan into the kitchen and I saw him drinking a Gatorade my Gatorade

I glared at him and he stopped drinking noticing I was their

He choked on the drink coughing and coughing untill he finally caught his breath

"This is yours"he asked pointing to the bottle

"Yes"I said and Ethan's face drained

"I'm gonna punch you in the face if you keep acting like that Ethan"I said and he furrowed his eyebrows acting like he doesn't know

"You keep acting like you need to walk on egg shells around me just be comfortable"I said and he looked down thinking then looked back up at me

"Come outside so we can talk"he said and he turned around walking out of the kitchen as I followed him down a long hallway out the back door

He sat down on one of the outside chairs and I did the same

"The only reason why I do that is to not hurt your feelings I don't want to say something to hurt you"he said and I was confused of why he would even care to hurt my feelings

"You hurt my feelings when you told me you where using me"I said and he shook his head

"I was wrong let me tell you"he started and I listened because I was intrigued of what he had to say

"Before I came here yeah I was a college fuckboy I was known for it but before I left my dorm mates they bet me that I couldn't get a girl to fall for me while I was their, then you came along and we started you know going on dates getting to know eachother the whole time I was telling myself that I was playing you but their was a sick feeling in my stomach telling me that you like this girl she's not like any other girl you've met before"he said and my heart dropped

I left the kid to go across the country without even saying anything to him and he liked me

I fiddled my fingers feeling guilty

"Ethan why didn't you tell me sooner"I said to him and he finally looked at me making eye contact with me

"I didn't think you would listen"he said

"I had to give you your space to let you cool down"he added

"Ethan I was fine I can't hold a grudge that long"I said and he nodded

"Well now I know that"he said

"So are we good"he asked me

"Yeah"he said nodding getting up as I did to giving him a hug

I guess we're starting over......

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College player⛓Ethan Dolan Where stories live. Discover now