Chapter 33

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Lisa ended up flying out to LA to see if I was ok and plus she didn't like being all alone at home

I was left in the hospital for 2 weeks checking to see if any nerves were damaged in my arm and their wasn't considering the bullet shattered in my arm and shattered my bone into tiny pieces

It took hours of surgery just to fix it

All that's left is a light scar on my upper right arm and it's light because they had to pull skin over to stitch it up again

Today I was getting out of this cold ass hospital

"You need help"Ethan asked me holding out his hand for me to get up out of the bed

"No but I'll hold your hand"I said and he smiled as I put my hand in his getting up

"Let's go"Lisa said as she walked out the door Ethan and I following behind and down the hallway we went

"Ell I think it would be better if you transferred back to UCLA"Lisa said as I got in the back seat of the car as well as Ethan

"Why"I asked I mean NYU has the best classes to become a writer

"Being alone in a big city with no back up isn't as safe as I thought it would be"she said turning out of the parking lot as I struggled to get my seatbelt on considering my arm was in a sling

"Here"Ethan said reaching over and grabbing the seatbelt and gliding it over my chest buckling it

"I get that but I mean UCLA has a great writing class but NYU is number one for it"I said trying to convince myself that I was gonna be ok all by myself

"They are but you have everyone here and the volleyball team don't you wanna get back out there, their season is coming back up soon and you'll be out of that sling in a week"she said and I looked out the window sighing watching all the cars fly by as she drove

"I'll stay"I said and I see her face stretch knowing she's smiling

"Now you can stay with Ethan"she said and Ethan rolled his eyes

"Mommmmm"Ethan groaned

"What you guys are meant for each other"she said shrugging her shoulders not caring what comes out of her mouth

"And I was thinking about moving out here too, being across the country by myself knowing my babies are out here partying in LA doesn't settle to well"she said and I looked over at Ethan furrowing my eyebrows

"Mom dad died 3 months ago why didn't you say anything until now"Ethan asked her she stayed silent for about a minute thinking what to say then spoke up

"I didn't want to bother you guys and you weren't in the right mood to be helping your mother look for places to live"she said and I chuckled

"Lisa don't get me wrong we love you but that's dumb"I started

"We would drop everything for you in a heartbeat don't worry about anything we got it under control"I added and she smiled again

"Aw thanks Ellington why can't my own kid say that to me"she said looking back at him and he scoffed

"I don't know what to say I never do"he said lifting his arms in the air

"Well say you love me at least"she said and he put his arm on the door resting his head on his hand

"I'm waiting"she said

"Love you"Ethan said but it came out muffled

"I can't hear you"she said loud

"Love you mom and I always will"Ethan said raising his voice with a fake smile

"Thank you and I love you too"she said and he rolled his eyes putting his head against the window resting it there

I grabbed his hand and intertwined our hands together not bothering to look at him even though I knew he was looking at me

The ride back to the house was silent but it was comfortable silence

We opened the door and everyone sat on the couch watching what was on tv

They looked behind them and saw us and stood up walking over to us

I looked around and saw they cleaned up the house a lot since what happened

"Ell I missed you"Grayson said immediately pulling me into a hug I didn't even hesitate to hug back

My best friends hugs are like a bear

"So guys Ellington is moving back"Lisa said and everyone's eyes widened

"Why? Isn't NYU like the number one writing university"Grayson asked me

"Yea But UCLA also has a good writing program and Lisa doesn't want me to be alone in a big city with no back up"I said and they all nodded

"Mom is moving back too"Ethan said and Graysons mouth gaped open happily tho

"Aww now you can be closer and make me food"Grayson said

"Heyyyy"I said hurt since I make food all the time

"Yea Ell is like the best cook in the world"dashaun said (changing the names of the people that lived in the house with some of my friends names so I don't forget them)

"Thanks someone actually cares about my feelings"I said giving dashaun a hug

"Ell you know I love your cooking but I mean come on it's my mom we're talking about"he said pointing to his mom

"Grayson shut the fuck up"I said grabbing my bag with my good hand and walking upstairs to my old room setting the bag down on the bed

Everything was still here just not pictures, clothes, trophy's and shoes

I have to call movers to pack up my basic necessities and send them over here, it would take about a week to do that so that means I have to go shopping and enroll myself back here and get a job even tho I don't need one

But I mean it's better to be safe than broke

"Baby"Ethan said closing the door behind him

He walked up to me pushing me on the bed as I laid down he got in between my legs laying on me wrapping my arms around his neck cuddling him

"I can't wait to spend every minute with you"

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