Chapter 32

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"What the fuck are you doing harassing these people"I said with a slight bit of anger in my voice

"I did it so I can see you"she said standing up slowly

"Why"I questioned

"It's not like I wanna see you" I added and she let out a chuckle

"This is why"she said pulling her hand from behind her back and holding up a gun

My heart dropped down to my stomach realizing I could actually be dead today

She smirked noticing that I was scared

"Not so tuff now"she said and I shook my head

"Why are you pointing a gun at me"I asked her

"You fucked my face up Ellington you stole my boyfriend you have the life I wish I could have"she said waving it around

"You are fucking crazy Jessica! I only fucked up your face because you cheated on my best friend and why would you want my life I have no parents"I raising my voice as I could see Ethan looked worried that I'm being rude to a person who's holding a gun at me

"I. Am. Not. Crazy"she said slowly gritting her teeth As I can see Grayson slowly creeping from the side as his eyes widened seeing what Jessica was doing

"Uh yes you are"I said and I knew she was about to pull the trigger and she did she pulled it but Grayson quickly at the right time ran up and moved it but if he did it a second earlier it wouldn't of hit me

The bullet connects right to my shoulder sending me flying backwards catching myself

The pain spreads to my whole arm

I look at Jessica and see her pinned down on the ground by Matt as Grayson emptied the mag and setting the gun to the side as Christina called 911

Ethan by my side seeing if I was gonna die. I thought I was tbh

It was all happening in slow motion. The whole scene unfolded right in front of my face

I stopped looking at the people around me and looked around seeing a shirt hanging off the side of the chair and quickly grabbed it wrapping it around my arm then having Ethan tie it

"Ow Ethan!"I yelled as he tightened it then stopped

"No keep going"I said and he quickly tightened it causing another scream to come out

I wrapped my arms around Ethan's lower waist not wanting to go through the pain of raising it higher

He wrapped his arms around my neck

"You're gonna be ok Ell everything will be ok"he said running his fingers through my hair

The sound of sirens gets louder as we noticed they where in front of the house

Matt kept put with Jessica under him as Ethan helped me walk out the door well escorted me out to the yard where there was police officers and medics hoping out of the car

A police officer ran up to us

"Are you ok ms who did this"he said rambling off signaling a medic to come this way

"She's inside under a boy"I said and he ran past us with a couple of other officers into the house with their guns out as a medic motioned me to follow him to the back of the ambulance

Ethan climbs in with me as I lay down on the stretcher

"Alright we are ready"the medic yelled as he strapped me into the stretcher as we started moving

He took the shirt off my arm and cut my shirt off to get to the wound

"Wow ok if I'm correct the bullet shattered and broke your bone into pieces"he said and I was listening but not fully I was loosing quiet a lot of blood so he just started talking to Ethan

My eyes were closing and I was really trying to keep them open but then they put a oxygen mask over me and then I passed out

My eyes slowly opened to the room around me seeing that I was in a hospital room

I look around and then at my right arm seeing a iv but nothing connected to it then my left

I moved a little bit feeling the pain rush through my whole body

It was all bandaged up. It looked bad

I grabbed the remote and pressed the nurse button and a few seconds later a nurse walks in and smiles

"Hi Ell I'm nurse Diana"she said and I didn't smile back I just got fucking shot the hell

"Hey um don't I need like medicine so I don't feel the pain cause I feel it and is their anybody here"I asked her

"Yes you are ready for another iv and Their is we couldn't have them in here when you slept I'll go get them"she said and I nodded

She walked out sliding the door shut seeing her figure walk away then more figures walking towards the door and sliding it open

"Oh my gosh Ell are you ok"Grayson said running up to me and giving me a hug

"Ow Grayson it hurts"I said giving attention to my arm

"Sorry"he said quickly

"But thank you Grayson if you didn't move the gun I would've been dead for sure"I said and he smiled

"When you two left she got arrested we don't know how long yet but we filed a restraining order against her for all of us"Matt said and I nodded

This has been a crazy day and I just got to LA

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