Jeon Jungguk

76 4 4

I loved your music and how we spent time together. The art we made was spectacular.

Hyung, why didn't you listen to me? I was only trying to help you..

I didn't want you to become some monster, putting your own health at risk.

I know you're sorry for what you did..

I didn't think that you were going to get mad at me like you did...

..I'm sorry for wanting to help you..

Maybe it was my fault for pushing you so far.

It didn't have to be this way..

It has to be if it meant you were going to get as upset as you did.

I didn't have to run I should have stayed..


Now here I am wondering the streets with blood shot eyes just trying to get as far away from you as possible.

Maybe you pushed me to far?..

I didn't want you to hurt me anymore then you already did..

Even though I was already hurt..

We could have done so much more together

Yet we chose to leave each other..

But that didn't mean I wanted that to be our last memory together...

What were we supposed to do..

Now all I can see now is a bright head light shining before me..

Hyung I don't want to go out like this..


Why did this happen?

I didn't want this to happen..

Maybe It was just destined to happen

Everything happens for a reason..


I don't know..

This isn't like serendipity


It's the complete opposite

Nothing can change this..

It was not just a coincidence

There's nothing euphoric about this

Maybe this was supposed to happen

All of us ending up as a singularity

That must be it!

This is our future

The epiphany I've been waiting for

That is the answer!

But I am only just the beginning..

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