I shouldn't

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Here is something I've always wanted to tell you, fuck you. 

I know I shouldn't care about you but damn I do, so for that, just, fuck you. 

The fact that I'll never stop caring about you makes me so agonizingly enraged, it makes me feel like the angry flame that's lit a wildfire, it's hard not to be upset with myself for giving any fucks about you, because in reality, we both know you've never actually cared back. 

So for that, fuck you. 

I really should stop trying. 

I most certainly should no longer give you the attention I still do, for you have never returned it before, so for that I say, fuck you. 

I wasted seconds, hours and even months caring for you just for it to end in this path of ash from getting burnt by the fact that I knew you were only pretending the entire time, that you were using me, so thus I must say, fuck you.

 Yes, it is true, I once liked you, but alas I, no longer do.

 I trusted you but perhaps I was a fool, for you left me in the dust when I needed you. 

There were a few times you were there, but only when it made you look good around others.

 I'm not saying that all of this is completely true, maybe you did care about me, maybe you still do, but it doesn't feel like you did or do, so fuck you.

Lilac MoonlightWhere stories live. Discover now