Idealistic Lonely isn't Realistic

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She was lonely, utterly and entirely alone. 

Not that she cared very much that she was because truthfully she really wasn't. 

She had the most genuine of true friends and, although quite a bit broken she had her family, but she still had someone in her presence almost 24/7 but it agonizingly didn't feel that way to her. 

She could be surrounded by billions of people at a concert but she still would feel invisible. 

She would feel like an empty space, a non-existent piece of matter like she was a black hole. 

She could never really explain why she felt alone and if she tried no one would understand. 

She wasn't physically by herself but mentally. 

Her mind constantly convinced her into the idea that she was alone and nobody would get what she meant by that but honestly that was a lie, someone is, was, always there but she was too lost in her head to know that. 

You're never alone no matter what your head tells you, someone is always there for you even if you think no ever is or will be.

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