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chapter 10:

third person
"are we not eating again pinkie?"
day 14. ain yeon, contrary to popular belief, survived two weeks in tartarus.
she was hungry and weak, but at this point, dying didnt seem that bad. better than having to hear jade's cackle 24/7.

ay: do you have a mute button?

jd: nah but i can get louder,, wanna h-

ay: NO

last thing she wanted was a half banshee screaming down her ear, bursting her tympanic membrane into pieces.

[note : tympanic membrane is the eardrum sbnsksj]

jd: haha,, if only haeji was here to see this. she always went off about how you were the toughest of the dream team... don't see it.

ay: mention my mother again and i won't hesitate in killing you with my bare hands.

jd: ooouu, someone is feisty this morning,, im liking it!!! but don't worry, continue to not eat and you'll see her soon enough.

jade got up from her crouching position and began to walk away.

"MONSTER!!" she yelled as tears fell out of her eyes.

"i try to be," she lowly said with a smirk.

the demi goddess then disappeared into the darkness

"i have to get out, i have to get out-" ain yeon repeated in panic.

she thought and thought hard. how was she gonna escape?

she certainly did not have the strength to break the bars; neither did she have the tools

she definitely didn't have the magic, that didn't run in her blood like everyone else.

but she did have the smarts. boy, did she have a lot of that.

she digged into her pockets to find anything that could be of use.

all that was found was a pocket knife,  a flashlight and this strange ring she's never seen in her life.

"what the fuck is this...." ain yeon mumbled it.

she took out her airtab to started to scan the unknown object.

what's an airtab you may ask? an invention of hers of course.

you know how in those sci-fi movies they have this like electronic-screen-holograph type shit that you can hold in your hand? you know, basically a tablet but more futuristic looking? literally what it is.

her "airtab" is used to identify unknown objects and bring up media articles and research regarding the object. a very handy gadget, but she's never actually tried it.

she decided it's kinda the best time to try it, you know since it could just save her life.

when the scan was finish the ring was identified as...

ay: "I have no clue", what the actual-

she then realizes that there was some sort of liquid in there

ay: omg maybe it's a potion...

what the potion was for? no clue at all.

she hesitantly cracked the glass of the ring and transferred the liquid into a cylindrical tube that she snuck into her pocket while at grandma hae young's house

good call, ain yeon, she thought to herself.

she then made a few adjustments to the database of her airtab, using new data that she received from the online council archives.

ay: who knew witches have a whole ass forum and archive on the dark web? damn.

she scanned the liquid and finally got a result.

"transportation potion?!" she whisper-shouted.

she continued to read up the search results

"potion first created in year 666, to reunite a runaway witch with the heart of her forbidded human lover, as that is where she most desired to be in her final hours. once used, it is impossible for anyone to track where you transported yourself to; leaves zero traces of any magic. this is an extremely rare elixir only possessed by certain bloodlines of witches," she read with a smirk on her face

ay: grandma must have slipped this into my pocket before i left,, does this mean she doesnt trust me?????

ain yeon briefly began to question why and how her grandma had predicted that she would end up in such a situation, but was very thankful that she did.

according to what she had found on her airtab, she would have to make a circle around herself and say a special incantation to transport her to whichever place she thought of.

she made sure that there were no guards near by and quickly followed her airtab's instructions.

she closed her eyes and whispered the incantation five times, just as instructed.

ay: "take me to wherever seullie unnie's heart is"

// highkey a filler chap. but ooo it'll get kicking soon i swear.

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