The bearer of bad news

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Knockout's spark was racing happily as he rushed to finish up his work.

Since he was suspicious of something being lodged in his chest, he decided to check it out. What he found was absolutely surprising. A sparkling had begun to form on his spark, slowly feeding on small amounts of energy from his spark.

Due to no scientific evidence behind a mech ever carrying a sparkling, he concluded that this was a medical mystery. They closest thing to an answer was that the sparkling must've formed when they were bonding their sparks.

Sometimes, on rare occasions, the combined spark energy creates a sparkling protoform that then starts developing on the carrier's spark chamber. Science is wonderful, isn't it?

Knockout wanted to hurry because Breakdown was supposed to be coming back from a mission with Dreadwing and Airachnid. He finished up his work and quickly walked over to the door.

Before he could step out, the door slid open to reveal Dreadwing standing there. He was covered in webbing, most likely Airachnid's. Knockout narrowed his optics and tilted his head. "Dreadwing? What happened?"

"Let me in, there's something you need to know." Dreadwing muttered, walking into the Medbay when Knockout stepped aside.

"What's wrong? Where's Breakdown?" Knockout was full of questions, but he kept silent. Fear nagged at his spark and he hoped for the best.

"That's the problem... he's... he's not coming back..." Dreadwing mumbled, taking a seat on a Medberth. His wings were lowered and there was a sorrowful look on his usually stern face.

Knockout froze, his optics widening. Was he hearing this right? "Wait... he's...."

Dreadwing looked up at him and nodded, preparing himself for the outburst of emotion.

Knockout just stood there, his spark seeming to stop beating completely. It was at that moment that everything in his world stopped turning. Breakdown was.... gone...

"I... I don't believe it!" Sadness turned to rage as angry tears of coolant poured down Knockout's face. "He can't be!"

"Knockout, He's gone. There was nothing you could do."

"Who did it then?! The Autobots?!" Knockout was on the verge of a mental breakdown, teetering on the edge of depression and rage. He grabbed Dreadwing by the shoulders and shook him. "Tell me!"

Dreadwing glanced away, a scowl on his face. "It was... Airachnid. I heard Breakdown scream while I was trapped by her webbing. She did it..."

Knockout released Dreadwing and hugged his arms close to his frame, pacing back and forth. "No... no this can't be happening.... This can't be happening! This was supposed to be a happy day for frag's sake!" He cursed, his spark pounding in his chest. He tried to calm himself down, knowing the excess amount of energy flowing from his spark would affect the sparkling.

"What do you mean by that?" Dreadwing asked, raising an eyebrow. He knew this wasn't the best time, but his curiosity got the best of him.

"I was going to tell Breakdown that he was going to be a sire! But now I can't do that because that fragger Airachnid murdered him!" Knockout screamed, holding his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry, Knockout...."

"No you aren't! You aren't sorry! You couldn't even save him! He would be here right now if you would've saved him!" Knockout was beginning to grow hysterical, frightening Dreadwing.

"I'll just leave you in peace..." Dreadwing muttered, getting up and walking out.

Knockout continued sobbing, pacing around the Medbay and muttering inaudible things. He stormed into his berthroom, the door slamming behind him.

He curled up into a tiny ball and sobbed, his frame shuddering. All he could think about was the sparkling he was carrying and how it wouldn't have a sire when it emerged into the world.


Megatron came in to the Medbay to find Knockout, who had failed to report anything that day. He was already in a bad mood as he stormed into the Medbay. "Knockout!" He shouted, looking around the empty Medbay. Where was that blasted medic!

He heard a soft whimper come from Knockout's berthroom and he slowly walked over to the door, listening closely. He could hear Knockout crying and mumbling something. He opened the door, immediately wishing he hadn't.

"Get the hell out of my room!" Knockout screamed, hiding himself from Megatron.

"What is your problem?" Megatron growled, frowning deeply.

"I said get out! It's your fraggin' fault he's dead!"

"Who...? oh..." Megatron realized who Knockout was talking about. Breakdown, that stupid mech. He had forgotten that they were in a relationship. "It's not my fau-"

"Get..... OUT!" Knockout yelled with the last of his energy, continuing to sob on the berth.

Megatron quickly backed up and shut the door, not wanting to deal with Knockout in this state. It was a shame to lose Breakdown, he was a good warrior. But of course, Megatron didn't care much about his men.

Not even about their relationships...

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