Carrier in distress

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-The next day-

Even though Cascade spent most of his time sleeping, Breakdown tried whenever he could to bond with him.

Since he was gone for most of his development time, Cascade didn't get as much bonding with Breakdown as he did with Knockout.

That being said, Breakdown was becoming a hover parent just like Knockout. He always had his optic on Cascade, even if he was just sleeping in his crib. When he wasn't in his crib, he was cradled in Breakdown's arms while Knockout got some work done.

Knockout was usually pretty busy with vehicons coming in and out of the Medbay, so Breakdown was the one who usually watched Cascade. He didn't know much about sparklings, but he knew enough information to know how to care for them.


Knockout had a particularly long repair session to do, so Breakdown was on his own for the moment. He sat back on their berth reading a datapad while Cascade was curled up in his arms.

As he was reading, he felt Cascade move and his optic darted down to his chest. Cascade was slowly clambering up Breakdown's chest, but he kept sliding down each time. He started crying and pressed his face into Breakdown's hand.

"Aw, don't cry little guy. Here, I'll help." Breakdown chuckled, gently pushing Cascade up to his head.

Cascade crawled under Breakdown's neck and snuggled against his neck cabling, sighing cutely.

"You are so cute, you know that?" Breakdown gushed, kissing Cascade on the helm and nuzzling him gently.

A few moments later, Knockout came into their berthroom looking exhausted. He flopped on the berth and groaned, shoving his face in his pillow.

"You okay, darling?" Breakdown asked, moving his head slowly so he wouldn't wake up Cascade.

"Just tired..." Knockout mumbled, rolling over onto his back.

"Look at our sparkling." Breakdown giggled, setting aside the datapad.

Knockout glanced over and saw that Cascade was snuggled up in between Breakdown's shoulder and his neck, fast asleep. He smiled and kissed him gently, leaning against Breakdown's shoulder and sighing. "He is too cute."

"I know, he gets it from you."

"He gets most of it from you, dear!" Knockout snickered, nudging Breakdown's arm.

"Aww, you think I'm cute?" Breakdown giggled, covering Knockout's face with his hand playfully.

"Of course I do! Why else would I choose you as my sparkmate?" Knockout exclaimed, kissing Breakdown on the hand.

"I dunno, cause I'm a lovable con?"

"Yes, silly!" Knockout giggled, wrapping his arms around Breakdown. "I love you so much."

"Me too, Knocky." Breakdown sighed, pulling Knockout close and smiling.

-Later on that day-

Luckily, only Knockout was called to go on a mission. That meant that Breakdown could watch Cascade while he was gone. If both of them weren't there, then they would have a problem.

The thing is, it had already been a few hours and Knockout hadn't returned yet. Breakdown was starting to get worried so he played with Cascade to get the thought off his mind. It still nagged him in the back of his processor that something wasn't right.

While Cascade was mouthing his finger playfully, he used his other hand to press the button and activate the comm.

-Knockout, you alright?-

-*static* Breakdown! I'm being attacked by Autobots! I need *static* help!- Came Knockout's frantic reply.

-But what about Cascade? I can't just leave him here!- Breakdown said, scooping Cascade up into his arms and bouncing him to keep him quiet.

Only static came back.

"Scrap... Guess you're coming with me." Breakdown sighed, looking down at Cascade.

"Bah Bah!" Cascade giggled, trying to gnaw on Breakdown's finger again.

"Okay cutie, you need to stay quiet. I need to find the groundbridge controls." Breakdown mumbled, covering Cascade with his arm and walking out of the Medbay.

His yellow optic darted around, making sure no one was coming. He quietly snuck down the hallway, trying to keep Cascade as quiet as possible. Cascade's different colored optics peered over the side of Breakdown's arm and he giggled, trying to crawl over.

"No, stay put." Breakdown gently pushed him back down, covering him and continuing to make his way to the groundbridge controls.

Ironically, no one happened to be walking down those corridors that day, so Breakdown was incredibly lucky. He reached the groundbridge controls, using one hand to type in the coordinates of Knockout's location and using the other to hold Cascade still.

"Bah Bah, Bah Bah!" Cascade squeaked, clapping his tiny hands together.

Breakdown wanted to coo over how adorable he was being, but he needed to get to Knockout. Once he got the coordinates, the groundbridge appeared in the middle of the corridor. Before anyone could detect it, Breakdown dashed through and it disappeared behind him.

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