Don't you dare touch him

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-The Nemesis-

Knockout had just put Cascade in his crib after finishing up Breakdown's repairs when Megatron burst angrily into the Medbay.

Knockout's head perked up and he forced himself to stay calm. "Yes, Lord Megatron?"

"Who used the groundbridge without my permission! I thought I told you about this!" Megatron snarled, his red optics darting between them.

"It was me, Lord Megatron." Breakdown grunted, sitting up on the Medberth. "I used it."

Megatron looked like he was about to snap. "You used the groundbridge without MY permission?! Unacceptable! How many times must I tell you—"

"Bah Bah!"

Megatron's head snapped in the direction of the noise, his optics narrowing.

Knockout was silently praying that Megatron didn't find Cascade, but he knew what was going to happen.

Breakdown froze, watching in horror as Megatron slowly walked over to Cascade's crib and peered in. "Oh no...." he thought, sliding his legs off the berth.

Megatron growled in disgust, lifting Cascade by the back of his neck with his sharp fingers. "Your disgusting spawn, I presume?"

Knockout's optics dilated into slits and he growled, taking a step towards Megatron. He didn't care that it was Megatron. Someone was threatening his sparkling and he didn't like it, not one bit.

Cascade saw Knockout and began crying, reaching his little hands out to him.

"Put. Him. Down." Knockout hissed through his clenched denta, his body growing tense.

Breakdown stood up as well, holding his leg up a little as he glared at Megatron. He glanced over at Knockout, who looked like he was ready to pounce.

"And what if I don't?" Megatron chuckled, pinching Cascade's neck harder.

Cascade cried even louder as Megatron's sharp fingertips dug into his soft plating.

"Then we won't hesitate to force you to." Breakdown growled, gripping his hands into fists.

"You wouldn't dare..." Megatron snarled, looking at Cascade amusingly. "It would be a shame if something did happen to this little one..."

"No... just don't hurt him! Please..." Knockout lost his aggressive edge for a moment and pleaded Megatron to let Cascade go.

Breakdown glanced at Knockout again, confused by what he was doing.

"How come you never told me that you two had a sparkling?" Megatron rumbled, gently setting Cascade in his palm and stroking his helm.

Knockout was itching to smack Megatron in the face. He hated the way Megatron was stroking Cascade like he was some sort of pet.

"I didn't know until I returned to the Nemesis." Breakdown replied dryly, still eying Cascade nervously as Megatron continued to stroke his helm.

"You would've snuffed his spark before he even had the chance to live..." Knockout spat, his red optics burning with hatred.

"Its funny that you immediately suspect I would do that. I'm not a sparkling killer, Doctor." Megatron huffed, clenching his hand around Cascade.

"Let him go." Knockout growled again, taking another step forward.

"One more step and I'll crush your precious sparkling into pulp!" Megatron hissed, tightening his grip.

Cascade squealed, trying to reach for Knockout. "Bah Bah!"

"Put him down and we'll face the consequences." Breakdown muttered, interrupting them.

Megatron raised an eyebrow, a smile creeping across his face. "Really? Alright then, I'll take your word for it." He rolled his optics, gently setting Cascade back down in his crib.

Knockout breathed a sigh of relief, but was still on edge. "Thank Primus..." he whispered, keeping an optic on Cascade.

"Now then... since you have so generously agreed to face the consequences, your punishments shall be a thorough beating by yours truly followed by 12 megacycles of work..." Megatron sneered, his sharp denta peeking out of his mouth.

"Yes, Lord Megatron.." Breakdown sighed, bowing his head.

Knockout glanced at Cascade and sighed heavily, hanging his head in sorrow. "We understand..."

"Good, because your punishment starts right now!" Megatron snarled, punching Knockout in the jaw and sending him flying across the Medbay.

Cascade shrieked in fear from the sudden loud noise, curling up in a ball and shivering.

Breakdown barely even looked up. He knew the hit was coming, he just didn't know where. Megatron's blow landed on his lower torso, driving the air from his vents. He was smacked across the face and beaten to his knees.

Knockout's arms trembled as he pushed himself up, energon trickling from the corner of his mouth. His optics widened when he saw Megatron charging towards him and he tried to move out of the way, but Megatron caught him and elbowed him to the floor.

Meanwhile, Cascade was sobbing uncontrollably while listening to his carrier and sire get the absolute scrap beaten out of them. He didn't understand why this was happening, but this would forever be burned into his memory.

This would always remind him, even when he got older, why he shouldn't mess with Megatron.

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