You're out there somewhere

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-2 weeks later-

Knockout had a new obsession now. Besides caring for the sparkling, his new daily activity was constantly checking the scanners for Breakdown's signal.

The others just thought it was the effects of being depressed and that Knockout was still grieving, so they left him alone.

But Knockout knew he heard something. He heard a sparkbeat. No matter what anyone told him, he still believed Breakdown was out there.

Today was also a great milestone. The sparkling had been growing steadily for the past few weeks and it was starting to form its outer shell. Soon, Knockout would have to remove it and place it in the incubator, where it would spend its last week developing the protoform for the sparkling.

After making the daily checks on the sparkling's progress, Knockout went down the hall to the communications room. He went straight for the scanning equipment, only to be stopped by Soundwave.

"Move, Soundwave." Knockout mumbled, his voice still rough from crying for the past few days.

Soundwave stayed silent, slowly raising his arm to point at another screen. Knockout turned his head and looked at the screen, his optics narrowing. There was a signal of some sort blinking on the screen.

Knockout walked over to the screen and took a closer look at the signal. He tapped on it with his finger and a profile popped up. His jaw dropped and his spark was filled with life again. "Breakdown's signal...." he mumbled, quickly looking at Soundwave.

Soundwave nodded, opening up a groundbridge portal to those coordinates.

Before walking through the portal, Knockout glanced at Soundwave with a confused look. "Why are you doing this?"

Soundwave looked at him for a second before speaking in a slow, monotone voice. "I have experienced loss before."

Knockout sighed, staring into the swirling teal portal. "Thank you..." he mumbled, taking a deep breath and walking forward. He felt the portal envelop him and he momentarily felt like he was floating.


The portal opened in the middle of a clearing filled with flowers and rose bushes. Knockout stepped out, enjoying the beams of sunlight on his frame. The portal closed with a hiss behind him and he sighed, his optics scanning the surrounding area.

The fresh air flowing through his vents rejuvenated him and he felt alive. The sweet aroma of the flowers filled the air, pleasing him greatly. But he wasn't focused on the flowers, he was focused on finding his love.

He wandered the clearing for a while, constantly scanning the horizon for a dash of navy blue paint. He was beginning to feel like Soundwave sent him here just to be happy with the flowers. Maybe he really was losing it...

He was about to give up hope when he saw something emerging from the tree line across the clearing. It was tall, navy blue, and looked exactly like....

"BREAKDOWN!" Knockout shouted, taking off towards the tree line.

Breakdown glanced up and saw Knockout running towards him through the flowers. He was filled with extreme happiness as he began to trot across the field to meet Knockout.

They crashed together in a wonderful embrace, Breakdown lifting Knockout in the air and twirling him. They clung to each other as close as possible, never wanting to let go.

Knockout began to cry tears of happiness, wrapping his arms around Breakdown's neck. "Breakdown.... I... I thought you were dead!" He sobbed, pressing his head against Breakdown's shoulder.

"Oh Knockout... I missed you so much! I couldn't stand being without you!" Breakdown exclaimed happily. Now he was starting to cry too. He gently set Knockout down, gazing into his coolant-filled optics.

Knockout sniffed, wiping his face clear of coolant and looking up at Breakdown. "You look amazing! What happened?"

"Well, I wandered the woods for a while after Airachnid attacked me. Eventually, my strength gave out and I was stranded. But thankfully the Autobots found me and patched me up. I left as soon as I was repaired because I couldn't go another day without you..." Breakdown said, a bright smile on his face.

"The Autobots have saved you again! I must repay them somehow, but that doesn't matter now. All that matters is that you're alive..." Knockout smiled, hugging Breakdown tightly.

Breakdown started crying again and hugged Knockout back. Once he stopped, he let go and wiped the coolant from his one optic. "There's one more thing I want to do."

"What is that, my darling?" Knockout said sweetly, a smirk on his face.

Breakdown grinned, bending down and kissing Knockout passionately. They both blushed and pulled each other closer, the petals of the flowers swirling around them.

Knockout had hope again. He had life again. He had a reason to live again.

Breakdown was alive, and now was the time to break the exciting news to him that he'd been hiding all this time.

Knockout pulled away, his spark jumping with excitement. "Breakdown, there's something I've been wanting to tell you. I was planning on telling you a few weeks ago but..."

"Just tell me!" Breakdown laughed, straightening up and placing his hands on his hips.

Knockout nearly exploded with happiness. "You're going to be a sire!"


I miss you... [Book 1] Where stories live. Discover now