One happy family

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Knockout and Breakdown were currently waiting for pickup by the Nemesis, but it had almost been two hours and they've seen nothing but clouds.

"Do you think they're coming?" Knockout asked, looking up at Breakdown as he propped himself up on a rock. His leg pistons still weren't working and it was aggravating him.

"Would you like my honest opinion?" Breakdown replied, still highly upset about Cascade's disappearance.

Knockout sighed and sullenly looked at the ground. He felt like a failure. He wasn't the loyal Decepticon Megatron wanted him to be and he was a terrible parent. I mean, he lost Cascade the first time they took him out because he got distracted! "Sure, why not..."

Breakdown grunted, picking at an open wound that was still leaking a bit of energon. A breeze blew by and chilled the air. "I don't think they're coming any time soon. It is partially our fault that we got stranded in the first place."

"You're right... we should've just stayed on the Nemesis. Cascade is still too young to understand that the outside world is dangerous." Knockout mumbled, looking up at the sky. "We should've kept an optic on him..."

"Should of, could of, would of. That's in the past. Right now we need to focus on getting him back." Breakdown huffed, leaning against the charred trunk of a large oak. "I swear to Primus if they lay one fragging finger on Cas...."

"Wait.... Breakdown do you hear that?" Knockout perked up, his audio receptors picking up a hint of noise.

"Hear what? I don't hear nothin' but birds and the wind."

"I think I just heard a groundbridge portal appear, but where?"

"Only one way to find out, stay here." Breakdown mumbled, changing his hand into a hammer and lumbering into the forest.

"Okay, it's not like I can walk anyways. Be careful!" Knockout called after Breakdown, who had already disappeared into the undergrowth. He sighed, tapping his sharp fingers on the ground impatiently. He hated not being able to do anything, it stressed him to the point he got stir crazy and tried to do something that would only hurt him more in the process. "I just hope Cascade is alright..."

-Breakdown's POV-

Breakdown growled, shoving aside the plants in front of him and glancing around. The swirling sound of the portal had stopped, leaving him in silence. He dialed up the sensitivity of his audio receptors to make sure he heard any noise that seemed important.

So far, he was pretty unlucky. The constant chattering of the squirrels in the trees above was driving him mad. He couldn't concentrate on what he needed to, so he tried to block them out.

He peered around a tree and looked around for any sign of movement. He spotted a flash of red and blue paint and a look of pure anger took over his face. He was surprisingly silent as he stalked towards what he knew was Optimus. His entire body was tense and he was ready to take on all of the Autobots, despite the fact that he was already injured.

He heard voices and instinctively crouched, gently parting the leaves in front of his face so he could get a better look. They were there alright, all of them except Ratchet.

But where was Cascade?

"He better not be at their fraggin' base with that petty medic..." Breakdown hissed, gritting his denta in anger. He was about to launch himself at them when he heard a familiar whine.

"I'm hungwy!" Came the familiar voice of Cascade.

Breakdown's optics narrowed and he searched the group for Cascade. He spotted him sitting upright in Arcee's arms, reaching his hands up to her face. "They didn't even bother to feed him, did they? It's been hours since his last energon intake! Do they not know how to take care of a sparkling??" He tried to whisper, but his harsh tone made him want to yell.

"Sorry little guy, we have to return you to your parents first." Arcee hushed Cascade, looking up at Optimus. "Are you sure they're still here? Maybe the Decepticons already picked them up."

"The Decepticons do not care much for them, as we have found out before. Breakdown wasn't in good condition when we last left him, so he couldn't have gotten far." Optimus replied, checking his scanners for any signal.

"I'm right here, you lunkhead..." Breakdown growled, itching to slam Optimus into the ground. But he knew he couldn't, his sparkling would be watching. Even worse, they might not give Cascade back if he did do that. "Ugh... I hate being a sap but it's the only way.." he grumbled, slowly rising to his full height.

"It's Breakdown! Was he there the whole time?!" Smokescreen shrieked, aiming his blaster at Breakdown's chest.

The rest of the Autobots aimed their weapons at Breakdown, but he didn't flinch one bit. His optics narrowed and he stepped out of the bushes, a few drops of energon splashing against the dirt.

::Guys... Breaky doesn't look happy..:: Bumblebee buzzed nervously, widening his stance.

"I wonder why? Oh yeah, we've got his sparkling!" Bulkhead yelled at Bumblebee, who shrunk away timidly.

"Shut up you two, he won't attack us because he's outnumbered." Arcee huffed, loosely wrapping her arms around Cascade.

"You made a big mistake taking him to that base of yours..." Breakdown growled aggressively, but changed his hammer back to a hand and let it dangle harmlessly by his side.

"We weren't aware that this was your sparkling. We are sorry to have caused you this trouble and we wish to return him to you." Optimus said calmly, motioning for everyone to lower their weapons.

"Bweaky?" Cascade peered over Arcee's arm and saw Breakdown standing there. His optics widened and he squealed, trying to climb out of Arcee's grip.

Breakdown couldn't help but smile, a light chuckle escaping his throat. "Hey buddy, I'm here to get ya."

Optimus looked at Arcee, who sighed and nodded. Arcee bent down and set Cascade on the ground, stepping back to watch.

Breakdown watched as Cascade pushed himself to his pedes and began to wobble towards him. He couldn't be any happier than he was right now. Oh, if only Knockout were here to see this.

Cascade finally reached Breakdown and giggled, reaching up. "Up!"

Breakdown grinned, bending down and scooping Cascade up. He kissed him on the helm and hugged him close.

"Gosh, I didn't know Breakdown was such a sweetheart..." Smokescreen giggled, earning a smack on the helm from Arcee.

Breakdown glanced up at the Autobots and nodded. "Guess I have to say thank you. But that doesn't mean I forgive you, remember that." He huffed, turning on his heel and walking away.

"Wow, not one for thanking people, huh?" Arcee chuckled, crossing her arms across her chest.

"I expected that." Optimus mumbled, turning around to face them. "Let's go back to base."


Knockout had slipped into recharge when Breakdown returned.

Breakdown smiled, bending down to kiss Knockout and letting Cascade kiss him too. Then, he gently sat down next to him and cuddled up close, putting Cascade in between them.

He wrapped his arms around both of them and smiled. "We're one big happy family again, huh?" He said, looking down at Cascade.

Cascade giggled and clapped, snuggling in between Knockout and Breakdown and sighing.

"Yeah, I'm happy too Cas... now let's take a nap, I'm beat..." Breakdown yawned, laying his head down and closing his optics.

They all took a peaceful nap in the forest, not a care in the world.

The end!

I hope you liked it!

If you would like me to make a sequel in the near future, make sure to comment on this chapter!

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