Mech or Femme?

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-A week later, On board the Nemesis-

It had been a week since Knockout reunited with Breakdown. They both took a long recovery period together, not to Megatron's liking though.

Knockout had removed the sparkling from his spark chamber and placed it into the incubator. It only took a week or so for the protoform to fully form and develop and it was almost time for it to emerge.

"Breakdown, are you excited about our sparkling?" Knockout asked while he was busy disinfecting a Medberth.

"Of course I am, sweetspark! Why wouldn't I be excited?" Breakdown chuckled, sweeping up the last of the dust and dirt on the floor. "Do you think it's going to be a mech or a femme?"

Knockout hadn't really put much thought into whether it was going to be a mech or a femme. He was just happy that they had a sparkling, he honestly didn't care if it was a mech or a femme. "I wouldn't mind either one. What do you think?"

"Hmm..." Breakdown thought out loud, putting the broom away and leaning on the counter. "Doesn't matter to me. Either way, they will grow up big and strong like their sire and lovable and kind like their carrier." He smiled, kissing Knockout on the helm lightly.

"Oh stop it, you." Knockout giggled, kissing Breakdown back and nuzzling his forehead.

Suddenly, their moment was interrupted by a loud beeping noise. Knockout's head instinctively perked up and he darted into the room where the incubator was. Breakdown soon followed him, curious and a little scared.

"What's that noise?" Breakdown asked, squeezing into the room with Knockout.

"The incubator has detected that the sparkling has finished developing... but something isn't right..." Knockout mumbled, his fingers flying across the screen as he tried to figure out what was wrong.

"What do you mean something isn't right?! Is the sparkling alright??" Breakdown was beginning to panic as he peered into the incubator with his one optic.

"I'm not sure! I have to open it now or else something really bad might happen! Step back dear, the doctor's taking over." Knockout said sternly, grabbing a nearby rag and looking at the incubator.

Breakdown quickly stepped back, his hands fidgeting nervously as Knockout slowly opened the incubator. A bit of steam erupted from the interior, startling him a bit.

Knockout reached in with the rag and wrapped it around the little bundle inside. He pulled it out, closing the door to the incubator and rubbing the sparkling gently.

Breakdown leaned in curiously, trying to see what was happening. "Is it okay?"

Knockout finished rubbing the sparkling dry and ran a few quick scans just to make sure. "Yeah, it's okay... thank Primus..." he sighed in relief.

"Then what was the alarm for?"

"Not sure, maybe a malfunction?"

"Seems legible to me, now lets see our sparkling!" Breakdown said excitedly, a smile on his face.

Knockout felt the same excitement through their bond and he pulled away the rag, revealing the little sparkling curled up in its folds.

It mostly had Breakdown's burly frame with a few of Knockout's sleek curves. It's armor was navy blue with hints of red and yellow throughout it. It's face had an orange hue to it, just like Breakdown's.

"Aww, it looks a lot like you, dear!" Knockout gushed, gently touching the sparkling's cheek.

Breakdown couldn't get over how happy he was. "It does, doesn't it? That's amazing."

"Let's see if it's a mech or a femme..." Knockout mumbled, running another scan over the sparkling's frame. The sparkling's diagnostics came up and it clearly said 'mech' under gender. "It's a mech!"

Breakdown was so happy he could barely contain himself. His jaw hurt from smiling so much. He gently hugged Knockout and kissed his helm affectionately. "I'm so happy, Knocky..." he sighed, gazing at their newly born sparkling.

"Me too, Breakdown. I couldn't be any happier." Knockout smiled, nuzzling his head under Breakdown's chin.

A cute whining noise caught their attention when the sparkling started moving in Knockout's hands. It yawned, stretching its little arms and slowly opening its optics.

Knockout and Breakdown were equally stunned by what they saw. Instead of having two optics with the same color, their sparkling had one red colored optic and one yellow colored optic.

"H-how did that happen?" Breakdown sputtered, amazed and confused at the same time.

"Could've been some mutation... or just a rare and lucky occurrence. It doesn't matter, I'll still love him the same." Knockout smiled, kissing their sparkling on the helm.

"Wow... What should we name him?" Breakdown asked, leaning in closer for a better look.

The sparkling reached out and touched Breakdown's face with his tiny hand, giggling the whole time. Breakdown was overloaded with cuteness and he blushed, flashing a smile at the sparkling to make him laugh.

"I'm not sure... you have any ideas?" Knockout said, glancing over at Breakdown.

"Hmm, I've got an idea. Unless you had something special in mind."

"That's okay, Breaky. Go ahead. My processor isn't functioning properly at the moment." Knockout replied, too distracted by the cuteness of their sparkling.

"Okay... how about Cascade? I know both of our names have two parts in them, but I thought Cascade sounded nice." Breakdown grinned, standing back up straight.

"That's a beautiful name, dear! I love it! Our little Cascade..." Knockout mumbled, holding Cascade close to his chest and leaning against Breakdown lovingly.

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