Gold Digger

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The week went by pretty fast Shawn worked at home most of the week. We barely spoke to each other but I still made him breakfast, lunch and dinner even if he didn't eat it.

Today I had an interview for this art gallery I applied at. I woke up early and showered, then curled my hair before doing light makeup. I wore a white blouse and black pencil skirt with small black heels before grabbing my file and purse.

Shawn was still asleep so I made myself a cup of coffee and quickly drank it. My phone buzzed getting multiple messages.

From: Mom
Good luck honey! I know you can do it x I love you

From: Dad
Good luck Serenity!! I love you

From: Ana
Best of luck!!!

From: Autumn
Good luck we know you can do it x

From: Emily
Get your ass out there and get that job! I know you can do it x

From: Stella
Good luckkkk!

From: Lana
You don't need no luck because I know you will smash it.

From: Brielle
Good luck Serenity xx

I smiled at how supportive my family were before I replied to all of them. They knew this was a big thing for me considering how sheltered I've been most of my life.

I grabbed my stuff before heading out the door and getting into the elevator and I met one of our neighbours and she had the cutest baby girl ever.

Once I had arrived I was taken into an interview room with the lady who owns the Art studio Clarissa. I sat down at the desk giving her my file with some of my high school art work in it.

"I'm very impressed Mrs Mendes at your immaculate work" Clarissa says and I smile at her.

"Thank you" I say.

"Well if I were to hire you the position we have is retail so you get to see the finest pieces of art and you can review it before we buy it for our gallery" she says and I smile brightly at her

"That would be something I would love to do as art is a huge passion for me" I say and she nods

"I'm also intrigued by the fact you're married to Shawn Mendes the owner of a multi-million music company" she chuckles and I nervously nodded.

"I've seen over 40 applicants today but I think you are the one for this job" she says and I smiled.

"So can you start working from this Monday?" she says I nod eagerly.

"Great I'll see you Monday" she says as I stand up and shake her hand before leaving the studio.

I left the building with the biggest smile on my face, I was so happy and content I couldn't wait to share the news with my family.

I stopped and picked up some Chinese food on the way because that's what I was in the mood for. I picked up some for Shawn too as I really wanted to tell him the news too.

After picking up some food I made my way to where Shawn worked. As usual I was greeted by Amy who was at the front desk with a huge smile.

"Hi Amy" I say to her as I approached her desk.

"Hey Serenity, you look nice" she says.

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