First date

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S H A W N -

I brought Serenity to this small quiet restaurant for our technically first date. We took a seat at in the corner booth where it was hidden and quiet. We both took our seats and ordered after a few minutes and then silence filled the air as I looked around.

"What's your favourite colour?" She asks with a sweet soft smile on her face

"Blue, and I'm guessing yours is pink" I say raising my eyebrow and making her giggle and nod her head.

"So what do you like besides Art?" I ask her and she taps her chin.

"I like a lot of things like dancing even though I'm terrible, reading, cooking and...." she says before trailing the 'd', "and SLEEPING!" She yells making me laugh at how cute she is.

"I know you like sleeping with the amount of naps you take daily" I say and she giggles.

"What do you like besides working all day?" She says and I shake my head

"I like music and working out" I say and she gasps.

"I like music too!" She says her tone of voice was so sweet like a happy child.

"What about working out?" I ask her and she giggles.

"I don't need to work out have you seen these guns" she says lifting her arm up pretending to show off her muscles which she didn't have. Making me laugh at her cuteness.

"Well if that's your definition of guns then look at this" I say showing on my right arm flexing to bicep and she giggles before reaching over and poking it.

"Oh please, I'm strong I don't even need to go to the gym" she says and I laugh.

"Strong. You can barley lift your weight in walking and you think your strong" I say and she widens her eyes at me

"Excuse me, just because I don't have huge biceps or abs doesn't mean I'm not strong. It will only take me one kick in the wrong place to make you cry in pain" she says crossing her arms over her chest.

"You win" I say putting my hands up making a grin appear on her face.

"Favourite food?" She asks and I tap my chin.

"I like pizza" I say and she gasps on more time.

"I love pizza!" She exclaims smacking her hand on the table making me laugh.

"What are your favourite flowers?" I ask she immediately replies "Roses" she says and I smile.

"What about you?" She asks.

"I don't have Favourite flowers" I say and she shakes her head.

"You must like some type of flowers" she says and I shrug.

"I'm going to the Orphanage tomorrow" she says and my eyes widen at her.

"The orphanage?" I ask her and she nods

"I go there once a month to visit the children and I buy them donuts too which they love" she says proudly with a huge smile on her face.

I was speechless she was literally like an angel.

She always thought about others before herself.

"I love kids they're something special" I say with a chuckle and immediately her face drops she starts to look uncomfortable. I didn't realise what I had just said I place my hand in hers before changing the topic.

"So you know Aaliyah pretty well tell me about Ana and Autumn?" I say and her face softens.

"Well first off before you make a mistake again, Ana has green eyes and Autumn has brown" she says and I nod.

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