Mendes Family Skii Trip

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I woke up in Shawn's warm arms wrapped around me and I smiled looking at him sleeping soundly. I watched little snores come out of his mouth and his curls covering his forehead.

I pushed the curls away from his head making him open his eyes. "Hi" I squeak making him chuckle before kissing my bare shoulder.

"How are you feeling?" He asks and I smile widely at him.

"Great, I feel really good. I feel different but a good different, thank you" I say and he smiles.

"I'm glad you are happy" he says before leaning in to kiss me but I stop him.  

"I have morning breath" I whisper and he chuckles.

"Shut up and kiss me" he says and I laugh before I lean in to kiss him.

"I need to shower and then we have to go to my parents house because my dad is home" I say and he nods as I get up wrapping the sheets around me and getting off the bed making him groan.

"Ow Ow Ow" I say standing still in the position I was in as I just got off the bed. Shawn quickly jumps up off the bed pulling on his boxers and shorts before coming around to me.

"What happened?" He asks as panics read on his face and I grabbed on to his arm.

"My legs are hurting, I can't walk" I yell and he bursts into laughter before I swat his arm.

"Fucked you too good, that you can't even walk" he smirked.

"Stop it's not funny, I need to see a doctor I think I pulled a muscle" I say and he laughs even more.

"That's what happens sometimes if it was the first time having sex" he says and my eyes widen before I blush and look at the floor.

"Just have a warm shower and if you want I can massage your legs" he says and I smile at him before he helps me to the shower.

I get under the hot water letting my body relax and I put shower gel all over my body washing myself off and then grabbing a towel.

I put on a bra and underwear and I throw on a t-shirt before I walk back to the bed. I laid down and he grabbed the lotion before massaging both of my legs especially in between my thighs applying pressure so that the soreness would go away.

"Thank you" I say as we both walk to the kitchen and I start making breakfast and he leans on the counter before his phone rings, he takes his phone and talks in the hallway as I make some coffee and waffles.

"Who was that?" I ask as he walks in through the door.

"My mom, it's the Annual Mendes Family ski trip and I totally forgot but we have to leave before five today" he says and my eyes widen.

"Shawn! Today?" I yell and he gulps before nodding,

"Yup My mom, Dad, Aaliyah and my cousins are all going" he says.

"Brian and Cameron are joining also" he adds

"What about my dad? We won't have time to meet him, pack and drive all the way to the Ski resort" I exclaim and he sighs before wrapping his arms around me and putting his head in my shoulder.

"I'm sorry but can you just call your dad and tell him you will see him in two days" he suggest and I sigh.

"Fine I'll call him" I say and Shawn kisses my cheek.

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