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This morning was quiet as Shawn was working from home in his office. I made him breakfast and placed it on his desk but he didn't eat it. I quietly wandered around the house tidying up, as I was bored out of my mind with nothing to do.

I grabbed my laptop started searching for jobs because I really needed a job. I worked once when I was 16 but after that I lived off my parents because I didn't need to work however, I couldn't live off Shawn's money either because that's not fair.

I sat in the kitchen on my computer searching for jobs and then Shawn talked in grabbing himself a cup of water. He leaned against the counter and I watched his adam's apply bop up and down. I continued typing away on my laptop before he clears his throat making me look up at him.

"My parents invited us for dinner tonight at 7pm" he says and I nod.

"I'm going out for a meeting so I'll be at the dinner late so you can go before me" he adds and I nod again and then he leaves the kitchen.

I was currently sat at the mirror doing my hair getting ready for dinner. Shawn went to his meeting and I was left to get ready.

I wore a black dress with matching black heels, I did my makeup and finally got my winged liner right after 6 failed attempts. My left eye was sore after rubbing over it with a wipe and re doing my eyeliner but I managed to get it perfect.

I grabbed my phone and purse before getting a taxi to Shawn's parents house. The drive was pretty quick and once I got to the door I was welcomed by Karen in a tight hug followed by Aaliyah, then Manny patted my head giving me a warm smile.

Karen led me into the house, it was nice and cozy. It felt like a family home all warm and pictures around the house.

"Where is Shawn?" She asks.

"He's at a meeting but he will be here soon" I say and she nods her head.

"Aaliyah show Serenity your room" Manny says as Aaliyah takes my hand and takes me upstairs. She opens the door into her warm cream coloured room. Pictures of her achievements on one wall and trophies lined up against one shelf.

"Your room is so nice" I say and she smiles s

"Thank you" she says and I look at all the pictures on her desk. Pictures with her friends, family on the wall also a picture with me, Ana and Autumn from the bridal shower. I smiled at the pictures all over her wall.

"How you liking it with Shawn?" she asks and I sigh.

"I'm getting there" I say as I sit next to her on the bed.

"He'll warm up to you I know it" she assures me.

We continued talking about her interests and things she liked at school.

"We should have a hockey match" she says and I laugh at her idea.

"Seriously?" I ask her and she nods.

"We could have girls vs boys" she says.

"That's sounds like a really fun idea" I say to her and she smiles

"I have my prom coming up soon and I was think we could go shopping" she says.

"Really? That would be so fun" I say and she chuckled.

"What was your prom like?" She asks catching me off guard because I never really got to go to my prom because that was around the time I lost my grandma.

"I didn't go to prom" I say and she looks at me in disbelief.

"Why? Isn't it like every girls dream" she says.

"It was my dream I really wanted to go to prom but it wasn't at the right time for me so I missed it. Believe me I was gutted and so upset" I say and I was suffering the loss of my grandma and couldn't go.

"But I'm over it now, I encourage Ana and Autumn to go to all of their school events so they don't regret it in the future" I add and she smiles at me.

"Well we both can have fun when we go shopping for your prom dress" I say and she nodded.

"Your like the big sister I never had" she giggles and I smile at how close me and her have become.

"Dinner is ready!" Karen yelled from downstairs making us both get up and walk down stairs.

We sat at the table full of delicious homemade food prepared by Karen. "Shawn still hasn't come" Karen says with a sad voice.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon" I say and she shrugs then my phone buzzes, as if on cue.

From: Shawn
Can't make it busy with work 

"Who is it?" Karen asks and I gulp "Shawn" I say and her eyes light up instantly.

"He can't make it because of work" I say and her face becomes disappointed once again.

"He always working, no time for us anymore" she says and I feel upset that Shawn hasn't taken his time out to come and see his family.

"He's a business man Karen" Manny says.

"That's what's stopped him from spending time with his family. What about when he has kids he can't just be working leaving Serenity by herself" Karen says and I choke on my glass of water.

"Are you alright Serenity?" Aaliyah asks and I nod. A lump forms in my throat and I can't even get words out of my mouth, my hands start feeling shaky and my breathing gets a bit faster.

"Excuse me I need to use the restroom" I say getting up and going to the bathroom. I open the window and take deep breaths by the window before calling down.

After a few minutes I come out and join them at the table. Thankfully the topic has change on to childhood stories where they were telling stories about Aaliyah to me and she was embarrassed the whole time.

Dinner was over I helped Karen tidy up before she handed me a bag with food for Shawn. I said goodbye to all of them before getting a taxi ride back home.

Once I was home Shawn was on the couch and the Tv was on in the background. "Why didn't you come to dinner?" I ask him placing the bag of food on the table.

"I was busy with loads of work" he replied.

"Shawn you need to take time out to spend it with your family" I say and he huffs.

"I don't have to explain myself to you" he yells

"I'm not asking you to! I'm telling you to make effort with your family" I says

"You don't have the right to tell me what to do" he says and I can see anger building up inside him.

"I know I don't have any right to tell you what to do but Shawn your mom was upset, she missed you a lot the least you could do was show up to dinner" I say and he gets up going into his office slamming his door shut.

I roll my eyes before going into the room and changing in my pjs, wiping my makeup off and then jumping into bed.

I couldn't deal with Shawn's mood swings right now...

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