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I woke up from my short sleep after sobbing all night, I took the covers off me and moved from the space I was cooped up in all night.

I sighed before rubbing my eyes and standing up, I could hear Shawn moving around in the bed but I didn't even glance at him. I went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror, my eyes were all red and puffy as I had been crying all night. I washed my face with cold water and took a few deep breaths before staring at myself in the mirror.

All the awful things he said to me kept repeating on my head and I shook my head before coming out of the bathroom. I went to the room and changed my clothes for work.

I didn't bother having any breakfast as I grabbed my bag and put on my shoes to make my way to work, Shawn came out of his office but I completely ignored him showing myself out of the door.

I sat at my desk going through the agenda for today as I heard Micheal's preppy voice "Morning!" He yells but immediately his face drops when he sees me. He rushes over to my desk pulling me into a hug as I sobbed into his arms.

"What happened?" He asks and I take a deep breath before prepping myself. To explain yesterday's turn of events that happened and Micheal couldn't even believe what I was saying.

"How dare he say that to my friend, that son of a bitch!" Micheal yells and I wipe my eyes.

"He has no right first of all to go on your phone and secondly accusing you wrongly of something you haven't done and wouldn't even do! You care to much for him to do anything bad to him or anyone" Micheal says and I give him a weak smile.

As the day went on my shift finished and I had to go home unfortunately. I came inside quietly before walking to the kitchen and getting a snack before going into the room.

I changed my outfit and also grabbed my sketch pad and charger as I would be staying at my parents house tonight.

I walked inside where the art event was taking in place I took my seat with an empty seat next to me where Shawn would have been sitting. I huffed before getting my phone out to take a few pictures. I was still upset but I was trying to enjoy myself as much as I could, trying to distract myself.

I didn't bring anyone else with me as I needed some time alone, to breathe, enjoy myself and not to let myself be beat down by this.

Then my favourite artist Nala Potter-Man came on the stage talking about her art and her inspirations. Also giving general life advice and how art has helped her through her life.

"Art is something you can't force, you have to free yourself and let your imagination run wild. Art is not about how perfect your horizontal line is, it's letting their be few squiggles but thats what makes it original. Life is like that too, nothing can be perfect with out a few things going wrong" She says and everyone claps and I sigh with Shawn in the back of my mind.

I smile as it was time to walk around and look at all recent art pieces that were hung up. I admired all the art work that was hanging in front of me. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around to face Nala Potter-Man the artist herself.

"Oh-my-god... Hi" I squeaked like at fifteen year old fangirl and she laughed shaking her head.

"What's your favourite piece so far?" She asks me.

"I don't have one they are all amazing, you are so talented" I say and she smiles.

"You seem upset?" she says putting her hand on my shoulder and I sigh.

"I just had a fight with my husband" I say and she gasps.

"Husband? Wow darling you look so young" she says and I chuckle before showing her the ring on my finger.

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