Ch. 2

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Stormpelt slipped into the nursery and saw Sandwing feeding her kits and his kit. He gazed at his small kit with so much love. He wished it was enough to make him feel whole. Eagleflight followed Stormpelt in. 

              "Sandwing, you need to nurse Stormpelt's kit," Eagleflight said. 

              "And Brightheart's," added Stormpelt, his tail low. His voice was soft and tainted with sadness. 

              "Another kit!" gaped Sandwing. "I can barely manage my own. Ugh." Stormpelt felt anger overwhelm his sadness and flicked his tail angrily. 

                "He is your Clanmate!"snapped Eagleflight. "He is a kit of Shadowclan. You cannot reject him. Are you a loyal Shadowclan cat or not?" Sandwing looked unsure. 

                "But I don't need another kit!" protested Sandwing. "I didn't want to have kits in the first place." 

                 "How could you!" growled Stormpelt, he bristled angrily. "You are given the honour to nurse another kit, a future Shadowclan warrior. The deputy's kit! My kit!" Sandwing looked taken aback. Stormpelt was a muscled dark grey striped cat. He was handsome and brave and he was the deputy. 

                 "Fine," she said finally. Stormpelt barred his teeth without a word and bent down next to his kit. He licked it gently. "What will you name him?"

                 "Heartkit," whispered Stormpelt. Sandwing nodded approvingly. Stormpelt's Clanmates would think he was naming it after Brightheart but he had decided on Heartkit because heartkit was what was left of Stormpelt's heart. He didn't even want to think about losing his kit. He would keep him safe forever. 

                 "Take care of him as if he were your own kit," whispered Stormpelt. He licked his kit once last time then was escorted out by Eagleflight. 

                 "Brightheart wouldn't want you to neglect your kit by mourning her," Eagleflight told him. 

                 "I...," Stormpelt stammered. "I don't know how I'm going to go on without her." 

                 "You're setting vigil for her tonight. You will mourn her and then you will go on. Because that's what she would have wanted and she still wants it. For you. And for Heartkit," said Eagleflight sternly. 

                   "Thank you, Eagleflight," Stormpelt dipped his head. Eagleflight was right. He flicked his ears once more at the nursery and heard Sandwing muttering then padded towards the camp entrance. 

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