Ch. 21

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Heartkit's head filled with the pounding steps of cats. He leapt to his paws. Dustbreeze, Sunwhisper, Goldenheart, Thistlenose and Raggedscar bounded up to the entrance excitedly. Eagleflight scolded them. 

            "Get out of my way," he said angrily. "I need to treat the hurt cats." The six warriors backed away solemnly. The first cat into camp was Pinestar followed by his small patrol and Cinderpelt. They had blood running down their faces and their eyes looked dull. Heartkit gaped. The retched smell of blood and sweat mingled in his nose. Eagleflight leapt to Pinestar and Cinderpelt's side to help but Pinestar shook his head. 

            "You need to tend to the others, some are very badly hurt," he said then disappeared into the crowd. More cats came in, all panting and covered in blood. They lay on the ground, resting while Eagleflight went from one to the other. Heartkit saw the cat who was injured the most, Deerdapple. One of her ears was gone and her back foot was limp. Heartkit almost retched at the sight. He waited patiently as more cats filed into the camp, none of them Stormpelt. Heartkit waited, his heart pounding. Then Flamefrost, Featherflame and Sorrelclaw limped into the camp with Pinestar. Heartkit's heart skipped a beat. In Flamefrost and Sorrelclaw's jaws they dragged a dead cat. He's fur was ruffled and splattered in blood which had already dried. His head hung limply to the side. Heartkit couldn't help himself, he spewed onto the ground, the sight oo much for him to handle. 

            "Is he going to be alright?" cried Waspnose, looking at the cat hung in Flamefrost and Sorreclaw's jaws. Pinestar hung his head. 

             "He's dead," murmured Pinestar. Cats around gasped and mumbled sadly. 

             "Littlestorm was brave and loyal. He died saving his clan," murmured Waspnose then eh frowned. "Where is Stormpelt?" Heartkit didn't even care if they had won, all he cared about was if his father was alright. Pinestar spotted Heartkit and took a step towards him but Stormpelt's patrol stopped him and murmured something into his ear. They came forward to Heartkit and sad in a circle around him. 

             "Where is Stormpelt?" asked Heartkit. 

              "Stormpelt..., has joined Brigtheart," whispered Featherflame, her voice broke. 

              "I'm so so sorry," Flamefrost whispered. "We promised- we promised we would protect him with our lives." Heartkit stared at them, unable to process the information. 

              "Stormpelt?" he stammered. "Where is he?" 

             "Heartkit honey, Stormpelt isn't coming back," murmured Sorrelclaw. "He died saving Pinestar's life." Pinestar padded up behind them. The whole Clan was silent, mourning for their two dead Clanmates. 

             "He was a loyal, brave and honest deputy and he was the best warrior I could have ever chosen for the job. He died saving me..., and I will always be grateful," said Pinestar, eyes sad. He didn't add "I should have died, not him". 

            "Heartkit. I'm so so sorry, we swore to you. We promised you...," croaked Featherflame hoarsely. Sorrelclaw hung her head in guilt and shame. Pinestar turned away, not wanting to let the flood of sadness take him away. Heartkit stood, feeling alone even with all of them cluttered around him. He felt cold and dark. His eyesight turned blurry. He would never feel the warmth of Stormpelt's licks. He felt another part of him break and something inside him was gone. Now, where there used to be half a gap in him there was a full gap. He felt empty without Stormpelt or Brightheart. The feeling pierced him and drove him into sobbing of hopelessness. There was no reason for him to live. He collapsed to the ground.   

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