Chapter 2 - A Deal

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Dean reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the demon knife. "What do you want?" He bit. 

The girl smiled as if she expected this. "Believe it or not, I'm here to help." 

Dean's expression didn't change. "Yeah, and I'm a perky virgin named Tiffany. Now what do you want?" He demanded again, his voice growing louder.

She sighed. "Lay off, Brando. I'm here to talk."

Dean scoffed. "Right, so you killed people to 'talk'."

"Hey. The people I've killed were all bad people. I just needed to get your attention."

Sam furrowed his brow. "What do you mean, 'Bad people'?" He asked. "And, uh, there's other ways to get our attention. Like, a phone." 

The demon rolled her eyes. "Yeah, 'cause you'd totally drop everything to talk to a random demon who decides to ring you up. Common sense, Samuel. I need your serious, undivided attention. And I mean bad people like... One adulterer and one rapist. Also, they're both Republicans."

"Well, I can't argue with that." Dean half-joked. Cas shot him a look.

"Alright, now why do you want our attention so badly?" Sam asked.

"I have important news for you, boys." She declared.

"How important?"

"Hmm. I don't know. Michael important?" 

Dean's eyes grew wide. "What?" He asked hoarsely before clearing his throat. "Michael's locked up. Right? It's-it's supposed the most secure place in the universe. There's no way he could have–"

"Shut up, Dean." She cut him off. "He's not loose. But his angels are. And they're pissed. It was bad enough that Big Daddy went missing, but now that he's skipped off to the big daisy field in the sky, they want to get a little slice Winchester Pie. Heaven's on full lockdown now, so rescuing him is off the table. They're here for revenge."

"But they're in the other universe." Cas said. "What can they do?"

"Gee, I don't know, dumbass." The demon snapped. "Maybe that place has almost everything we have, including the recipe on how to get over here." The boys all glared at her. 

"How do you know they're pissed?" Sam asked after a moment.

The demon sighed, shaking her head. "Because they're here. A few of them managed to hop a ride on over to paradise land here. But, as far as we know, the rip closed right after they broke in. It should take them a while to get the rest over." The boys shared a nervous look.

"Are you sure?" Cas asked quietly. She nodded.

"Positive. Got sent on a stakeout when Hell picked up on their energy. That's why I'm here to help. If this stuff get's heavy, my money's not on the demons or the angels. It's on you." S

urprisingly, hearing that from a demon made Dean feel a little proud. "What's your name?" He asked.


"Alright, Cheyenne. What can you do to help us?"

"Well," She began. "As far as anyone in Hell knows, I'm in Europe, uh, 'recruiting' monsters. Basically, I lock them into cages and bring them back to the mothership so we have a little first line of defense in case Charlie's angels decide to pay us a nice visit."

Sam smiled a little. "You guys are really scared, huh?"

"They are wiping out the human race in their world. Do you think they give a shit about us? If the angels here didn't worry about the 'balance' of Heaven and Hell, evil and pure souls and all that bull, we would have been exterminated years ago."

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