The Meeting

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It's been a month since the galras attacked earth, everyone has relaxed and have catched up with there families. Allura then scheduled a meeting with all the paladins to talk about the galras next attack.

Pidge/Katie's pov

I wake up to my alarm beeping like hell.

"SHUT UP" I say with a tired voice, I turn off my alarm and roll out of bed, when I look up I see my brother,Matt looking at me with a confused look on his face. 

"What the heck was that" he says in a confused tone.

"Matt you should already know that I'm not morning person" I say still half asleep, I then get my glasses and putting them on.

"Anyway mom says that breakfest is ready"he says leaning on my doorway.

"Mmmm what did she make?" I say with an excited expression on face.

"I think she said she made waffles, so if want some you better hurry before I eat it all"he says before running off to the kitchen, I then quickly follow my brother downstairs to the kitchen, but then see brother with his mouth full of waffles I giggle before I sit right next to him and do the same, I stuff my mouth with waffles.

"Hey sis don't you have a meeting with the other paladins today?" he says eating the last piece of his waffle.

"Oh my gosh I almost forgot, Thanks matt for reminding" I say, quickly finishing my food and running to the bathroom. After my shower I change into my regular clothes which is a white shirt with a green sleeveless hoodie over it.

(I did not draw this picture)

After I put on clothes I quickly run to starbucks, which is the where we are going to meet at because lance wanted us to and you know there's no arguing with lance, but before I left I said goodbye to Matt and my mom and I left running

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After I put on clothes I quickly run to starbucks, which is the where we are going to meet at because lance wanted us to and you know there's no arguing with lance, but before I left I said goodbye to Matt and my mom and I left running. When get there at my surprise I was the first one there so I just shrug it off and order my favorite drink, which is their matcha green tea frapicino, and then I sit down at a booth sipping my drink while I was looking at my phone. After about 30 mins Keith sat right in front of me and I got startled when he sat down, he chuckled at the fact that I was kinda startled, we talked for about another 20 mins until the others came.

"So hows everybody been doing?" Shiro asked.

 I immediately answered with " I've been doing great, me and Matt have been designing a new ship for the garrison which-"

"Hey pidge have you noticed that your grew longer?" Lance says interrupting me in the process, but when lance said that everyone started to stare at me which got me a little confused at first then I realized everyone was staring at my hair.

"Ohh, yeah I have noticed I was thinking of cutting it but then Matt told me that I shouldn't and I can't deny my brother so in the end I didn't." I answered.

After that ordeal we started to talk about the galras next attack, after we finished the meeting we just talked about how our lives are starting with lance talking about his family, and then to hunk talking about his moms cooking, and lastly Coran talking about altean history and culture. After a while we all got bored of Corans history so we all started to complain on our group chat. Soon Keith texted me and it said.

Keith:Hey Pidge do you want to meet up so bebe and cosmo can get to know each other? 

Pidge:That sounds like a great idea what time should we meet up?

 Keith:Does tomorrow,Saturday at 12:00 sound good?

Pidge:That sounds perfect see you tomorrow then:)

After I texted Keith I got a text from lance and he said he's been sad lately, and that does not sound like Lance at all so something must be wrong so I texted back with,

Pidge:Hey do you want to meet up so you can talk about it?

Lance:Yeah that sounds great does tomorrow at 12:00 be good?

Pidge: yeah see you then:)

After I texted Lance back I remembered that I was going to meet Keith on the same day and at the same time, I felt so dumbfounded and  now I have a big problem.

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