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Pidge/Katie's Pov

Cosmos teleported us back to my house and we said our goodbyes and before I knew it I was back inside.

"Well that wasn't bad" I thought. I walked into my house to one home which I was surprised by because my mom didn't have to the garrison today and she didn't have any gardening to do so it was kinda weird but non the least I was kinda relived that my wasn't here to interrogate me about the da-HANG OUT why do I keep doing that.

I walked in to the kitchen to find a note on the fridge so being the curious girl I am (Idk) I looked at the note.

 It said "Hey honey I'm going to the grocery store to get some ingredients for dinner and don't think your getting out of me questioning about your date see you later!  -Mom"

"Well I guess I'll be alone for a little while but that ain't so bad, I wonder what I should do to pass the time?" I said to myself. After thinking I decided that I would just sketch some future designs for future inventions cause..............why not?

During Dinner

Dinner was normal but that changed after my mom asked me "Soo Katie how was the date?"


" I agree with dad I didn't hear about any date!" Mat- I mean my idiotic brother said.

" HANG OUT! and matt yes you did know about the HANG OUT with Keith!" I yelled. " Ok ok ok hang out, just tell me how did it go?" My mom asked. " To be honest the HANG OUT  wasn't so bad I also saw Mrs. Rose today" I replied " Oh that's good and I'm glad you got to see Mrs.Rose I haven't seen her in a while either, I should really get some flowers from her someday" My mom said.

For the rest of the evening we just ate dinner and did our own things and went to bed which was kinda relieving.

The Next Day 

The next morning was kinda good, I say kinda because I get a text at 8:00 IN THE MORNING!, which is not that early, but still it's to early for me. Anyway the text was sent from the group chat with the paladins.

It read "Hey guys Shiro here I was wondering if you guys wanted to meet at the mall today to hang out so we can catch up with other". To be  honest I wanted to actually go out today which is unlike me, but why not.

So I texted back "Yeah I'm free today, I think I can make it", and not even a minute later both Lance and Keith texted back.

Both of the messages read " Yeah I can make it to", which to me was weird but the others texted saying they were free too so I guess that's less suspicious. 

Next thing I knew Shiro texted back saying to meet at the mall at 11:00.

"I guess I'm going to the mall today........UGH!" I said. I got up and started to get ready for they day ahead. 

It was just the usually things you would do to get ready for a hang out, eat breakfast, take shower,and get dressed. To be honest it took me awhile to just pick out an outfit, but I did settle on a gray triangle shirt (idk), jean shorts, a blue flannel, matt's glasses, and brown combat boots.

(Pretend in the picture she has longer hair and I do not own this picture/art)

(Pretend in the picture she has longer hair and I do not own this picture/art)

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After I finally picked out an outfit I checked the time and I was hella surprised when I saw that it was 10:40. So when I saw the time I immediately got my stuff and left my house but before I left I said "Bye mom, Bye dad, Bye matt"

"where are you going?" Matt asked. "It's none of your business!" I yelled. I ran to the nearest to the mall and when I got there I immediately saw the other paladins already there.

"Hey Pidge" Hunk said.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late" I replied

"It's fine Pidge, anyway now that your here let's get adventuring"Shiro said.

*TIMESKIP because this potato is to lazy*

We've been walking around the mall for about 30 minutes and everything was very mutual and fun I was really happy to catch up with the other paladins other than Lance and Keith, and before I thought this day couldn't get any better it did. At first someone calling my name which was kinda weird.

I just heard out of no where " Katie Holt is that you?", and before I knew it, when I turned around I saw my childhood friend, Ayden.

"AYDEN! is that really you?" I asked.

"The one and only" Ayden replied. After he said that I immediately hugged him, "I missed you so much" I said " Your so tall now", "And your still small" Ayden said, " Hey I'm still growing" I said acting kinda pissed and after I said that we both laughed.

"Hey Pidge who's this?" Lance asked a little sound of jealousy in his voice. " Oh this is Ayden, He's my childhood friend ever since we were 5" I replied. "We go way back" Ayden added. " Oh I almost forgot to introduce the paladins" I realized. I then started introducing everyone " This Shiro, Hunk, Allura, Lance, and Keith" I finished.

"It's nice to meet you Ayden" Allura said politely.

" I'm really happy to meet you Ayden" Hunk said excitedly 

"It's nice to meet you Ayden, any friend Pidge is a Friend of mine" Shiro said

" Nice to meet you" Lance said kinda jealous.

"Hi" Keith said in an angry tone.

" Hey are they okay" Ayden asked. "They're fine" I replied. "Okay anyway when I heard that you were back I was so excited to see you again!" Ayden said, "Me Too!" I replied.

Lance's Pov

"Me too!" Pidge said. 

"Ugh who is this guy, I know it's her childhood friend I know that but UGH, wait why am I even jealous I don't even like Pidge, Do I? " I thought.

Keith's Pov

"Me Too!" Pidge said

"Ugh why am I so jealous I've never felt feelings before, why does it have to be so hard  to deal with them....UGH!" I thought.

Pidge/Katie's Pov

For the rest of the hang out Ayden and I were catching up and I learned so much about Ayden and how he was while I was gone and he learned stories about my adventures in space. The day was great but I did realize one thing, Keith and Lance were acting really weird but I didn't pay that much attention to that , but when I got home I started to question it more so I thought about it a little more.......


Hey Guys hoped you liked this Chapter because I've been up since 11:00 and I have school in the morning but I'm still happy I completed it.



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