The Date Pt.1

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Pidge/Katie's pov

I was grabbed by the wrist by Lance all the way to his car (which is a blue mustang ). We both got into the car to who know where Lance is planning. It was kinda awkward in the car, everything was silent but when I looked at Lance's face I could see that he had a toothy grin on his face which almost made me giggle at the sight.

To be honest I was kinda getting tired of all the silence in the car so I thought I might as well break the silence by making a conversation so I started with " So Lance how's everything with the family?" 

" Oh everything with the family is great but while I was with my family I kinda started to miss hanging out with you guys " Lance said which almost made me cry hearing this.

"Awww Lance you really missed us" I said in a baby voice tone.

" Hehe " Lance chuckled in an embarrassed way. " Anyway were here " Lance said stopping the car. I looked up to see that we were at my favorite cafe in town before the Kerberos mission, The Earth Cafe.

" Lance" I was speechless at the sight of the little building in front of me. " How did you know?"

" Well I have my ways" Lance said with a smirk " Well let's get going " Lance said getting out of the car I followed a 1 minute later. We both went inside and went to the front desk .

" Hello, welcome to The Earth Cafe what can I get for you today" The person at the front desk asked.

" I would like a regular coffee and a matcha frappe " Lance said reading my mind of what I wanted to have .

After we ordered we sat down at a small booth and started talking about or families and other random stuff that came to mind until I asked the question I was waiting to be answered. " Hey Lance why did you ask to hang out with me today?" I asked with a concerned tone. 

" Well" Lance said looking away from my face. " Remember when I told you I missed you guys, I guess I just wanted to talk to someone and kinda catch up more " 

" Aww Lance I get it and I would really like that to" I said in a caring tone.

Soon we both got our drinks and went on our merrily way. For the rest of the day Lance and I just talked and got to catch up a little more. At the end of the day Lance dropped me off at my house.

" Thanks Lance this day has been the best day " I thanked Lance 

Lance blushed a tinted pink before replying " Your welcome Pidge anytime "

" Well bye " I said before going inside my house. 

" Bye " Lance said waving back at me.

To be honest Lance wasn't so bad to hang out with.


Hey guys sorry for the slow updates.

Btw did you see season 8 cause I did and I think I might be depressed now ;-; .

Anyway if you saw season 8 tell me in the comments down below what you thought of it .


- gwynmanila

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