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No ones POV

"WAIT WHAT!?!"Both Lance and Keith exclaimed at the same time.

"Ayden is coming aboard the atlas with us!!"Pidge excitedly exclaimed.

"That's great!"Hunk said,"Right Lance and Keith?"

"Yeah heheheh" Lance replied.

"yeah" Keith mumbled.

"Well now guys we might have to cut this short I am more likely sure that most of you guys haven't packed yet so let's get going" shiro said.

"Ok "space dad" see you guys on the atlas!"Pidge said waving at the other paladins arms linked with Ayden.

Lance's POV

Ok so first Pidge tells us that she wants to meet up to tell us some "great news" which turns out that mister childhood best friend is coming on the atlas wit us.I thought I would be able to hang out ALONE with Pidge for once, now mister Ayden has to ruin it all. Wait a sec, Do I like Pidge?

I think while I'm walking home to get ready for tomorrow.

Keith's POV

"GREAT", now mister best friend is now coming with us aboard the atlas. UGH!, right when I was starting to get control of my feelings!, Now I'm starting to feel this feeling of anger towards Ayden, UGH!! WHY ARE FEELINGS SO HARD!!

I silently complain on the way home with Shiro I also try not to seem suspicious so Shiro doesn't start questioning me.

Katie/Pidge's POV

Right after the meet up with the other paladins Ayden dropped me at my house we bid our farewells well our see you laters and went on our merry ways. 

The Next day (cause I'm a lazy potato)


I woke up to my alarm again making me wish that I didn't even get an alarm in the first place, but then I gladly turned off my alarm and went back to another deep sleep.

Until I heard my idiotic brother shouting "PIDGE WAKE UP WERE GOING TO BE LATEEEE!!!!" and of course my lazy butt had to fall out of bed out of the shock of being woken up by a screaming Matt.

"UGH WHYY!!"I yelled back about to get back to my soft bed.

"WELL THEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO MEET AT THE ATLAS AND SEE YOUR FRIENDS THEN WE'LL SEE YOU 3 YEAR TOPS BAII!!!!"Yells back at me and when I hear that I realize that it's the day that we get aboard the atlas.

"oh shi-I MEAN SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS" (NO CURSING ON MY WATCH!!) I yell quickly running to get my garrison uniform and put it on. After 5 minutes of struggling to get my garrison uniform on I quickly run downstairs making sure not to fall yelling "WAIT FOR ME" I find myself panting like a dog in front of my idiotic brother but of course brother has something say.

"Ahem, um your suitcase?" he questions. I then realize that I left my suitcase in my room.

"Oh umm I'll be right back"I replied quickly running back to my room.


We made it to the atlas sight (or whatever it's called Idk) and just in time two people were starting to arrive at the sight and started to gather around the atlas. People were saying "goodbye"'s, I love you"'s, and "I'll miss you"'s to their loved ones. Then of course there was me just standing at the loading deck with my dog bae bae looking at everyone hugging their loved ones and bidding them good luck's and be safe's, I didn't really have to saying goodbye to my family because well there also going on the ship.

The thing or people that stood out to me the most were Lance,Keith,and Ayden. The first thing that stood out tome the most was Lance's family, he and an large family maybe not even large maybe enormous but that was not what stood out the most, what stood out the most was the love that I could see that Lance and his family had it really made my heart warm up inside. Then I saw Keith and his mom at first it just seemed like they were talking about the war that was about to happen and the challenges that we are about to face but then I realized they were talking about something about their personal life, and the emotion and understanding on Keith's face just made me realize that. Then of course I saw Ayden with his grandma talking and hugging so then I went over there to greet Mrs.Rose again.

I walked over to Ayden and Mrs.Rose and greeted "Hey Ayden and Hello Mrs.Rose". Right after I greeted them Ayden turned around.

"Oh!, Hey Pidge!" Ayden greeted 

" Hello Darling"I heard Mrs.Rose day walking forward to hug me and I gladly hugged her back right after we separated the hug Mrs. Rose put something in my hand and whispered "Keep my little boy out of trouble okay".

"I will" I replied with a smile. I put the object she gave me in my pocket before I could see it myself and walked to Ayden, "Soo are you ready to get aboard the Atlas!" I exclaimed. Ayden just smiled at me and nodded and with that I quickly grabbed his hand and dragged him well not literally dragged him I just pulled him to the loading deck of the atlas and lead him inside.

Third person.

Little did Pidge know two fellow paladins saw them going into the atlas together....


Sorry for not updating in a while i've been having a bad case of writers block so it's been hard for me to find a good part that can go with the plot i'm going with also please give me ideas of what I should put in the next chapter also since it's now summer I will try to upload more.

So thank you for waiting and being so patient with me and I hope you enjoyed this part Baiii!!



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