Trying his best

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He tried not to do this today, he really did. His chest felt staticky and his head hung heavy. James just wanted to be okay. He didn't know what brought this on, he wasn't triggered by anything. He had had an amazing night and a beautiful morning. Clint and him had stayed up till 5am playing old Zelda games, he voiced that even though breath of the wild looked amazing, majora's mask made him smile the hardest. And it probably helped that Clint sucked at landing on the flowers, he had a habit of concentrating so hard that he would stop talking that his tongue  poked out of his mouth. He was truly adorable. James fell asleep on the couch and woke up in his bed, face buried in Clint's chest.

But it soon set in, the dark clouds that had been sitting in the back of his thoughts, hiding behind every word that left his mouth. He woke up at 10, clint left to train at 12 leaving a note in the fridge and a kiss on James's forehead. Now it was 2 and James hadn't moved all day,
'Good job' he thought 'get up, you need water, and food.. damn body, always needing things' slowly, he sat up. He pressed the balls of his hands to his eyes and rubbed until he saw galaxies. Removing his hands and opening his eyes he blinked slowly until they adjusted, but even then everything looked fuzzy.

He pushed himself from the bed with a groan and slipped on a pair of Clint's sweats and a big sweater. Feeling cozy he stepped out of his room and made his way to the kitchen, he found the note Clint had left on the fridge and some leftovers on the table from last night. James smiled and put the food away, not feeling Hungry. He chose instead to have a glass of water, he walked to the elevator and stepped inside. Pulling a hair tie from his wrist he put his hair in a loose bun and listened to the calming music. When the doors opened to the communal floor he strolled by his friends saying 'hi' and 'good morning' to them.

Somehow James's feet found their way the the living room couch. 'Good choice me' he thought as he flopped down and curled up with a cozy knitted blanket. He slowly fell asleep but was woken a little later when he felt the couch sink and hands in his hair. James hummed and nuzzled his face into the hands. he heard Clint's light chuckle, 'hey baby, you feeling alright?' Clint asked, all he got in response was James putting his head on Clint lap. Understanding, Clint adjusted himself and James so they could both be cozy. when he went to take some of James's blanket he got an adorable growl of protest from his lover, giggling Clint took some anyway and laid down so James was on him more so than the couch. after a bit of wiggling to get cozy he continued to play with James's hair. He felt his breathing even, and saw a warm smile
on James's face. Clint fell asleep to the sound of his lovers breathing.

When the team came into the lounge and were greeted by Clint and James snuggling on the couch, they were confused. James rarely ever let himself be so venerable, and never let people touch him, not even steve.
'It's a nice Change' Natasha said, 'what' she asked when everyone turned to look at her. 'He's never this peaceful' sam commented. 'if anyone wakes him, I think I'll actually stab them' said Natasha. Nobody actually had to worry about being stabbed by Natasha.

when they heard a loud thump screaming everyone turned and was met with the sight of a crying super soldier on the ground that was doing his best not to hyperventilate, and Clint coming to James's rescue. Sitting in front of his panicking lover he made James look at him. 'Hey darling, it's okay. You're okay' he was met with James shaking his head and screwing his eyes shut trying to stop the tears from escaping. 'James, baby. Breathe with me, I can help' Clint said, placing James's hand on his chest, taking big deep breaths. James slowly started to regulate his breathing, inhaling and holding his breath before releasing. 'Good job doll' Clint said moving James to his chest, rocking back and forth on the floor in a soothing manner. Clint whispered positive and reassuring things into his lovers hair while rubbing his back.

Almost everyone was very confused as to what was happening, sure they had heard James and Clint flirt during missions but they thought it was joking. Except for nat, steve and Tony. Nat knew cause she was observant. Stevie knew cause he and James were best friends. And Tony knew cause he made the mistake of entering James's room without knocking, it had taken him a few minutes to process what he saw. And when he did he was met with one laughing archer and one very naked super soldier, who was doing a terrible job of covering himself, both covered in hickies and scratches. he didn't need to know anything else when he scrambled out of their room.

when James had calmed down he looked over and saw his friends confused faces and started giggling quietly. Clint soon joined in when he saw Steve nudge Tony, who was having flashbacks to when he first found out. James looked up, red eyed and smiling. 'Hey guys' he said meekly, giving a little wave. Before any of them could say anything, they saw Clint pick James up effortlessly and stroll into the elevator. 'So that's why Barton's always at the gym' sam commented when he saw the elevator doors close. 'Whatever' nat said, jumping on to the couch. Every one sat down and watched whatever nat put on, leaving the lovers a few floors up unmentioned.

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