Cut up

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James startles slightly as the window scrapes open. He settles when he realizes it's just Clint, and shuts the tv off. 'Hey doll, I thought you would be out longer.' Clint steps into the apartment, and then pushes the window shut again. 'Things took a lot less time to wrap up then I expected. Bad guys just aren't what they used to be.' he shakes his head. Clint peels his ruined shirt off, and tosses it onto the coffee table. James gets off the couch and walks over to Clint, but he stops dead when the archer turns around. 'Darling, Is that a knife in your shoulder?'
Clint frowns. 'What? What do you..' he trails off when he looks down. 'Oh. Apparently it is.' 'You got stabbed and you didn't even notice, How did you even get stabbed, you didn't usually do hand-to-hand' James says, hands on his hips.

Clint shrugs. 'It was different This time, i got cut a bunch of times, I just didn't notice that one guy left his weapon behind.' James shakes his head, worry clouding his eyes. 'You better not bleed all over my floor.' Clint grumbles, and pulls the knife out. Clint lets out a soft groan as he pulls free. James winces as more blood starts escaping the wound, and soaks into Clint's tank top. Clint holds the knife up, and looks at it. 'Huh. Not a bad knife, it looks pretty badass.' He shrugs, sticking the knife into the cut-up coffee table with a smile on his face. 'Well his loss. Not like he needs it now.' James just sighs and kisses Clint's cheek. 'I'll get the first aid kit, go take a shower love'

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