Mud, blood, and sweat.

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In this one they aren't avengers, James was born in the 80's and Clint and him were recruited by shield to be agents (occasionally spies) after the battle of New York, and when shield was actually hydra they were unaffected.  So, normal!bucky Au.

'Turn it up.' A groaned the man in the passenger seat. James rubbed his forehead, kneading at the yellow-green bruise forming near his hairline. Clint just smiled and cranked up Radiohead's "Anyone Can Play Guitar" He moved his hand that was rubbing James' right shoulder to he could drum his fingers on the steering wheel. He watched James nod in approval then turn over in his seat so he could snuggle into his arm before closing his eyes.

The were both caked in mud, blood and sweat. Clint reached over to brush some ash out of James' hair, to which he received a hum of content from James, it was obvious he was almost asleep.

'Close call back there, huh Babe' Clint said softly, pulling into a motel parking lot. 'Too close' James mumbled, 'I hate Nazis' Clint sighed and put the car in park. 'You and me both jay.' He opened his door, got out and did a couple of stretches to try and get the knots out of his neck and back.
'I jus' wanna sleep.' James grumbles and Clint nods, kissing a spot on Jay's hair that wasn't dirty. 'Yeah, I know Hun, we're gonna crash as soon as soon as we check in.' It had been roughly a day and a half since either of them had slept more than five minutes.

'Dibs on first shower' James called from the passenger seat, that he was still laying on. 'Only if you get out of the car, I ain't carrying you to the front desk' Clint teased, grabbing their duffle bags from the trunk. James groaned and sat up from his position to open the car door, Clint walked to his side and helped him up. He hooked an arm around James' waist and felt James put his head on his shoulder as they walked up to the door.

The lady at the front desk raised her eyebrows at there entrance, she looked like she was in her mid-thirties or early-forties. James clung to Clint's side, hanging on to his jacket and Clint could feel Jay's breath on his chest. His lips fell into a lopsided frown when he realised they probably couldn't pass as friends this time. By the looks of it, James didn't care. He was too busy trying to stay awake so Clint could get them a room.

Clint smiled at the lady and cleared his throat, 'two queens, please' he said politely. With out looking up, the lady mumbled 'more like Two Queers.' This momentarily brought James out of his sleepy haze, as he straightened up and glowered at the woman, 'what did you say about us?' He said, placing both hands on the desk in a threatening way. The woman looked up and her eyes widened in fear, 'N-nothing. Your room is at the end of the hall, t-third door on the left.' It was clear James wanted to give her a piece of his mind, but he felt Clint lay a hand on his shoulder and nod towards their room. James got the message and mumbled some more threatening things under his breath before lacing their fingers together and nodding at Clint.

They separated a bit as they entered the room, Clint swung open the door and dropped their gear bags against the wall before dropping face down on one of the beds. James flopped into him, 'ya know we still have to shower' James groaned and pushed himself off of Clint and started to strip. 'I know, I know. I can't stand having this shit in my hair.' Clint heard Jay's clothes fall to the floor, and soon after, the sound of water filled his ears.

Clint huffed and rolled off of the bed and onto the floor, and groaned. Getting to his feet to push the beds together to make room for both of them. Shortly after James came stumbling into the room with only a towel around his waist. He turned to the bags to find a shirt and boxers. 'Your turn.' He mumbled, deciding on some soft blue pair and a nine inch nails shirt. Clint sighed, he gave James' arm a small squeeze before heading into the bathroom and stripped out of his gross clothes. He got in and turned the knobs until he found a temperature he liked.

As he was scrubbing the mud out of his hair he heard Jay's feet padding into the bathroom, saying something about not getting all the mud out. Clint made room in the shower for James. After getting all the mud off his body he stepped out from under the water and watched as James shuffled under. Clint grabbed the shampoo bottle and started to run his hands though James' knotted hair. He heard James groan and saw his muscles relax, Jay's head was titled forward and he hummed in content. Once Clint was sure he had gotten all the suds out he stepped under the water with James and pulled him close. Wrapping his arms around Jay's torso he set his forehead on his lover shoulder and let the water wash them off before James turn around in coins arm and hugged him back. The separated and Clint stepped out of the shower, turned the water off and grabbed James by the arm and guided him out of the shower before wrapping a soft, fluffy towel round his waist. James had his eyes closed and allowed Clint to push him down so he could sit on the toilet seat. He bowed his head forward and let Clint dry his hair with the hair dryer the hotel had provided. Once they were done he stood up and they walked back into their room after turning the light off. 'Come on, Jay. let's get some sleep.'

They settled in bed, both in boxers. Clint had his arms around James' waist and James had one arm under his head and the other was draped over Clint's chest, their legs were tangled together. James' head was settled in the crook of His neck, he kissed Clint's collar bone before sighing and scooting closer. 'I've got you honey, you're home and safe. Just a few more days on the road and we'll be done with these missions' Clint whispered into Jay's hair.
'A few more days.' James said, and Clint hummed. 'Wow, it seems like just a few months ago we had been recruited' he whispered.

James had fallen asleep but Clint was still awake, not yet claimed by sleep. Every so often James would mumble or twitch but it was normal, James sometimes had nightmares. He had told Clint as soon as they were paired together for their first mission, not to wake him unless it was serious. This one seemed fine so he let him sleep, it was the right thing to do cause soon after a small smile found its way into Jay's face and he flipped to his side, facing way from Clint. Clint smiled and kissed James' cheek, whispering a quiet 'I love you' into his hair before pulling James closer to his chest and falling asleep.
The lovers dreamt of each other.

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