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this is a poly fluff story between Sam, Clint and James. If you aren't into it, don't read it.

'I told you that you shouldn't have gone out in the rain,' Sam scolded gently, carding his hand though Clint's short hair. Clint shivered underneath the blankets.

'I was trying to catch a frog,' he muttered, sending him into a coughing fit. James rushed in with a spoon and a bottle of medicine. James wasn't used to seeing Clint sick, and it made his stomach twist up inside. Clint softly smiled at his boyfriend. 'Thanks, babe' Sam muttered, taking the bottle and measuring out the dark liquid. 'And why were you trying to catch a frog?'

'Coop wanted a picture of me with a frog' Clint said shrugging lamely. Sam stared at him with a strange look. he held out the spoonful of medicine in front of Clint's face. He can already smell the bitterness before it even touched his tongue. It sends a shudder through his body. 'And you were willing to risk your health to fulfill that wish?' Sam asked. Clint tried not to vomit for a moment before answering.

'Yeah, of course. I'm the best dad in the world. And if my kid wants a picture of me with a frog, I'm going to catch a frog, Sammy,' James chuckled but immediately stopped when Sam shot a look at him. He tucked the blanket around Clint as started to doze off. 'Do you want anything?' Sam asked, but by the time he's done with his question, he's already out the door. And James is left smiling down at a very tired and very sick Clint.

'You know that cap is gonna be pissed again, with you being injured a lot more than usual these past few months,' James whispered, sitting down on the bed next to Clint and taking his hand. It's oddly cold, but it fits in his hand just the same. 'Not my fault,' Clint sleepily muttered. James felt a gentle squeeze on his hand. As he looked closer, he can see that the feathery hairs are stuck to Clint's forehead from his sweat. Clint's skin is slightly pale, and his eyelids are fluttering. 'Very much your fault, love. You were the one who decided it was so necessary to spend half an hour out in the rain trying to catch a frog' James said rolling his eyes and placing a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead, before squeezing his hand. 'I wanted' Clint coughed, and James gently rubs circles onto Clint's chest, hoping that it might help him breathe, 'I wanted a picture with it.'

'I know doll, I know.'

Sam came back with a bowl of soup, a hot pack, and a few cough drops.James moved to make room for him, and Sam crouched down. He gently spoons the soup into Clint's mouth, until his arm tires out, and James takes over the methodical task. There's a strange type of intimacy in taking care of a person. Brushing away bits of hair, making sure that you don't elbow them in the face. (James) There's just something very strange and personal about it.

'Do you want to watch a movie, baby?' Sam asked, putting the empty bowl to the side. Clint barely nods, his steel blue eyes fluttering closed. 'Which movie?' Both James and Sam wait patiently, listening for a reply, but all they got is a snore. They smile, turn off the lights, and cuddle up next to Clint

I'm sorry for not updating for so long, I've been Super busy but that's no excuse, I'll try to update soon, promise. Thanks for sticking with me

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