Touch me

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Clint wasn't sure when it started. Didn't really even remember the first time it happened, during a movie maybe? Yeah, that's what it was, he and James had been watching a movie, the rest of the team were out on some awkward date night thing that Tony had thought would be a good idea. Clint had heard Sam telling steve that he wasn't sure it was a good idea, but it sure was an entertaining one. But he and James didn't have any dates to take, as they were apparently the only two avengers who weren't dating each other or someone in shield. So they stayed in and Clint found James in the kitchen shoving Mint chocolate chip into his mouth and suggested a movie. James agreed with a smile and shrug and they moved into the living room.

James had taken to sitting close to Clint, or Steve if he was there, he liked to be close. Clint suspected it was because it made him feel safe, like someone was there for him. And Clint didn't mind it, James was warm, and never got too close, in fact he was always hyper aware of how close he was to people, almost constantly readjusting himself whenever people around him moved. Clint found it endearing, if a little sad. But that night James had kind of, drooped on the couch, and then leaned over onto Clint shoulder. And Clint's hand had found its way from the back of the couch into James's hair and James had just kind of, melted into the touch. He'd been asleep on Clint's shoulder a few minutes later.
Clint had never been so endeared with him. He made small noises when he slept, sometimes he talked, he'd said something about turtles once and Clint had accidently woken him up because he laughed. James had just smiled at him sleepily and then snuggled back down onto his shoulder, his hand wrapping around Clint's bicep and pulling it closer. Clint had snuggled down and fallen asleep next to him that time. And it had been happening off and on ever since. It was the best part of Clint's day.

He was laying on the couch, his legs stretched out, his arm behind his head, watching a bird documentary on the discovery channel when James walked in.
'Hey J.' He said without looking away from the tv. 'Hey.' James said, and then he was walking to the couch.
Clint let out a huff of air when James flopped down on top of him, his head resting on Clint's chest, their legs tangled together. Clint was a little startled at first, he tensed up, but his hand automatically went to James's hair, his fingers massaging into James's scalp and running through his hair. He heard James hum and moved his eyes back to the tv to see a flock of birds flying in formation across the screen. He felt James smile against his chest.
'Clint, are you watching a bird documentary?' he asked, Clint could hear the entertainment in his voice.
'Maybe I am. You got something to say about it?' He asked, running his nails along James's head and feeling him shiver. James just chuckled.
'No, no, not at all...bird man.' He teased, poking his fingers into Clint's ribs. Clint squirmed under him, trying half heartedly to get away from James's tickling fingers.
'You better watch it Barnes.' He said and tugged on a handful of James's hair. He felt James tense up a little and shiver again. 'sorry.' James whispered, still feeling tense where he was draped across Clint's body. They laid in silence for a few moments, just watching the screen, James still hadn't relaxed even though Clint had gone back to just running his fingers through James's hair. James was laying almost completely still, something he almost never did when it was just him and Clint, he was the most fidgety person Clint had ever met, like his body was full of energy and he had to keep moving. But he was still now and Clint was worried he'd done something wrong.
'I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable J.' He whispered into James's hair. James tensed up even more, his hand clenching on the side of the couch cushion.
'You didn' wasn't...' he huffed and Clint felt him force his body to relax.
'I liked it.' It was barely above a whisper, Clint felt it more than he heard it, James's breath on his chest was warm. He felt his heart flutter in his chest.
'You did?' Clint asked, his thumb rubbing circles into His scalp. James nodded.
'I um...' James started, still whispering, he stopped himself and picked at the couch. Cling moved his fingers through James's hair and rested his hand on James's neck. It was warm, he had a sneaking suspicion that it was red as well.
'You what James?' he whispered back. He felt James smile into his chest.
'I sort of... like you...too.' He said before moving his head to look up at Clint. He looked worried, like he was afraid of what Clint would say, but he looked a little hopeful too. Clint smiled down at him.
'Yeah?' he asked, James nodded again. 'Well good. Cuz I sorta like you too James'
James smiled up at him. Clint's smile widened and he leaned forward and pressed his lips to James's. James broke the kiss with a smile. He looked at Clint with bright eyes for a moment and then settled back down onto his chest, his hand going to Clint's ribs and resting there.
Clint moved his hand back up into James's hair and smiled when he felt James hum happily against him.

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