do you need my notes? (college au)

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Winterhawk college AU

The first time james saw him was after class when he was packing up, most of the students had left. He slung his bag over his shoulder and head hed for the door, he passed a boy's desk but did a double take.

He has his arms folded in front of him and his head on the table, he was snoring. James looked around and scratched his neck awkwardly. He couldn't just leave the poor guy there.

James huffed, he didn't feel like getting screamed at by this guy or the professor.

He cleared his throat. No answer. Just more soft snoring. He groaned, and set his arm on the man's and shook him lightly. 'Hey. Wake up, it's over.'

The man turned his head slightly, looked at James then at his hand then back at James. He made a small noise of annoyance then grumbled 'did I fall asleep again?' James nodded. 'Fuck, I'm totally gonna fail this class' his voice was smooth but he had some trouble saying certain sounds. After closer inspection James noticed he had hearing aids.

'Yeah sorry for waking you up, but class ended a while ago.' The man looked at him and nodded slowly. James teetered on his heels, he bit his lip then cleared his throat. 'I uh, you can- do you want to borrow my notes?'

The man yawned, stretching like a cat in a sun beam. 'Yeah sure that'd be great. I'm Clint by the wau.' He stuck his hand out, James nodded and shook his hand. 'James Barnes' he all but mumbled, 'oh last name too, fancy. Clint Barton, then.'

He stood up gathered his stuff and put it in his surprisingly organized blue backpack. He grabbed james' notebook from his outstretched hand and tucked it under his arm. 'I'll bring it back tomorrow.' James nodded and Clint made his way out of the room.

The next day he was greeted by Clint when he set down the notebook next to James then sat in his regular seat. When James opened his book to start talking notes he was greeted with a light purple sticky note that read

"hey there barnes, thanks for the notes. Nice handwriting. Wake me up when its over?"

James looked over to Clint and sure enough he was fast asleep. He rolled his eyes and started writing. He let out a soft sigh. James felt bad for him, so he took notes for both of them that day.

He woke Clint up at the end of class and handed him his notebook, he was about to walk away when Clint invented him out for coffee, but he wasn't the kind of guy to turn down free food.

From that day on that was there routine. Clint fell asleep after giving james his book and taking to him for a bit, then James would wake him up and they'd get coffee. Clint liked milk with two sugars and James liked black with three.

He really didn't mind. He was a smart guy, and he was happy to help. Clint kept leaving little purple messages so James did the same. He bought a pack of 250 light blue sticky notes and left them below Clint's.

The two men were friends and after a few weeks of this happening, best friends.

At the end of class James would pack up and walk over to Clint, then he'd poke and shake and prod until the blonde man either woke up or fell out of his chair. Either worked for James. He'd give Clint the book and then they'd get coffee.

After a while Clint started bringing James bits of food and drink, something that started with him giving James the rest of this half finished coffee and a bit of muffin soon turned into the two meeting up before class -and sometimes before school- and having breakfast, whether it be at a local coffee shop, a breakfast dinner or, after one particular intense cram session before a test at his house, James waking up to Clint cooking waffles.

James liked him, he liked hanging out with him and on the (not so) rare occasion that it happened, waking up in the same bed as him. He found him funny and attractive, and despite  being partially deaf, a great listener. He just happened to fall asleep a lot during class.

Clint told James that it was because he couldn't sleep at night when he was alone, he usually slept with his dog Lucky,  (who was often referred to as 'Pizza Dog'.) but his dorm didn't accept dogs so he had to keep them at his friend's Kate's apartment.

James lived in a house that was a fifteen minute ride from the school, so on the nights Clint came over he brought Lucky with him.

One night, at 4 am after being beat in Mario kart for the fourth time in a row by James he shared that in highschool he was on the archery team, ('president of the club actually.' He boasted, James laughed and shook his head back. 'Very impressive, bird brain') and that his friends called him Hawkeye. James laughed and then challenged him to a game of Wii golf, which he won.

About four months after the Wii Sports Epidemic they spent more nights at james' house. Clint stumbled into his dorm room, shut the door and flung his bag next to his bed. As he sat down he grabbed his and James' notebooks and pulled out his pencil. He opened james' book and started writing. After an hour of copying notes and getting distracted he was finally don,e he went to close the book but he saw a flash of a light blue sticky note. He turned to the page, read the note and smiled.

The note read
" Hey, Hawkeye. Go out to dinner with me?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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