Chapter 3 - Rise of the Forgotten

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Star stood in front of the grave with tears on her eyes. It has been two weeks since Marco died but the burden that's in Star was still so fresh. Her burden was not going away slowly as everyone said, instead it was getting worse with every second that's passing by. Star brought out the necklace that Marco gave him. It was a heart-shaped necklace with a little note carved at the back; M to S. A single tear escaped from Star's eye and dropped on the necklace's surface.

Mewni was pretty damaged because of Toffee but Marco's parents wanted to do a funeral at Mewni. Hekapoo helped Star with bringing all of Marco's Earth friends and his family to Mewni. Star remembered the moment she went back to Earth twelve days ago to talk to Marco's parent, their faces were carved inside her mind.

Star didn't leave her room after she talked with his parents until this day. Her parents and friends tried to get her out but they were rejected every time. Kelly, Pony Head, and Janna got pretty close with offering to go on an adventure but even the thought of going on an adventure reminded her of Marco. Her friends tried everything she loved to do but everything she loved was just a reminder of Marco to her.

Star heard footsteps coming towards her but she didn't lift her gaze from the grave. "Star are you alright? You haven't moved since the beginning of the funeral." Star recognize the sound, it was Mrs.Diaz. Star was speechless for a moment, she lost her son because of her but she was still worried about her. Star turned towards her and hugged her while letting her tears flow. "I'm so sorry Mrs.Diaz. This is all my fault. If I hadn't..." Mrs.Diaz quickly shushed Star. "I'm sorry too, Star. But nothing was your fault, your parents told me everything. I know he died to save your life but that doesn't mean he died because of you. He didn't have to protect you but he made a difficult choice and this choice was to protect the one he loved even more than himself." Mrs.Diaz broke the hug and brought out a folded paper. "Jackie thought it would be best if I was the one to give you this letter. It's from Marco, Jackie told me that Marco gave this to her to deliver you if you made it to Earth before him." Mrs.Diaz gave Star the paper and walked away towards her husband.

Star slowly opened the paper and started to read. The letter was about Marco's crush on her:

Dear Star,

I'm writing this in case something happens and you made it to Earth before me. When you told me you had a crush on me and you wished to get rid of it just because I don't feel the same way I remained speechless in front of you. But my silence was not because I didn't have anything to say, it was because I had so much to say. But before I can break my tongue tie you ran away and left the Earth. I had a crush on you since the Blood Moon Ball. I was going to tell you everything about how I feel but these words of yours stopped me in my tracks; "I don't need a hero, I need a friend." And at that moment my only thought was if you were in need of a friend then I'll be the best friend I can for you. I buried my feelings into my heart's deepest point but they were always there and they only grow stronger in time. I tried to move on but it was too late for that. After the Song Day, there was a hope in me but that hope got crushed after our little talk but it wasn't the worse part, you came back downstairs and told me everything before you ran away, that was the worse part. Seeing you crying and running away, I tried to stop you but you told me to let you go and make this easy for both of us. I don't know what is going on and why you left Earth suddenly but I want you to know this; I'm not going to make this easy for us, I will do whatever it takes to protect you because I love you Star Butterfly, I love you with all of my heart.

Star looked at the signature at the bottom of the letter as her tears dropped on to Marco's name. Star was trying to be strong but she failed at the end. She broke down and started crying her heart out. The letter slipped out of her hand with a strong blow of wind and disappeared into the darkness of the night.

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