Chapter 1 - Falling Apart - Part 2

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Star slowly woke up and stretched out her arms. "That was the greatest dream of all times" First thing she realized was a warm feeling of a cloth around her, she looked down and saw Marco's hoodie was wrapped around her. Then she realized she wasn't in her room she was in Marco's, "How did I get here?" she got up from the bed and headed downstairs.

She saw Marco, he was watching TV "Hey Marco, can I ask you something?" "Oh, you are awake, what is it?" Marco asked turning his attention to Star from TV "I woke up in your room with your hoodie around me, did I started to sleepwalk again?" Marco smiled at the question, "No, don't worry you are not sleepwalking. Again." he said the last part jokingly "But if I am not sleepwalking how did I end up in your room?" "After you drunk that coffee and ran off I trailed you and found you at an alley, you must have been passed out after that sugar rush came off," Marco said rubbing the back of his head and continued explaining. "When I found you, you were shivering and I took off my hoodie and wrapped it around you then I carried you to the house". Star blushed when she heard that Marco carried her here, then another question came to her mind "But why did you put me in your room?" Marco answered quickly "Your room was locked with your magic so I carried you to my room" Star remembered that she locked her room and changed the topic "How long have I been sleeping? Two hours maybe three?" Marco brought out his watch and show it to Star, "Nope, about nine hours." Marco said calmly. Star's eye widened and she screamed "Marco quick dress up, we are getting late for the celebrations." as Marco remembered the celebrations he ran upstairs to his room while Star ran to her room.

They dressed up and meet downstairs. "Are you ready?" Marco asked, Star just nodded and Marco brought out his dimensional scissors and cut a portal to the throne room of Mewni Castle.

They got to the throne room and Marco closed the portal. They were about to go outside from the big double doors when Marco noticed Star's hands were shaking like crazy. Marco surprised Star with grabbing her hands. "Hey, you don't need to be nervous everything is going to be fine, trust me," "But what if my mother doesn't like it? Or what if a fire starts on the stage? Or, or..." Marco released Star's hand and cupped her face, this caused Star to blush. "Didn't you heard me Star? Everything is going to be fine." This move made Star's nervousness go away. She took a deep breath and opened the doors.

They go to their seats next to the king and queen and sat down. Star said her mother they showed up late because of the traffic on the Royal Mile and covered the truth of she was sleeping until the 9.38 pm. But Queen Moon didn't mind that they were late she was just proud of her because she went through it and wanted to tell her this. Spotlights turn on and Ruberiot started to sing. Everything started falling apart after the song.

Star was freaking out. She jumped through a window and ran off with Cloudy to the Pony Kingdom. She directly went to Pony Head's window and knocked. Pony Head was grounded, that was the reason Star directly fly to her window, she knew that she would be in her room. Pony Head opened the window and float there confused. "Shouldn't you be at your Song Day celebrations" Star jump in through the window and Cloudy disappeared. "Pony it was a disaster," Star said while hugging Pony Head. "Girl, it can't be that bad" "Actually it was good until Ruberiot told everybody that I am in love with Marco." Pony head escaped Star's grip. "Wait he told what? You must be kidding with me." Star shooked her head slowly. "Now Marco thinks I have a crush on him because of that stupid song." Pony Head looked Star with a serious look. "But don't you though?" Star looked at her with confusion "What? No, I don't" "Whatever you say Bfly. But I think it's kinda obvious." They talked until midnight then Pony Head said that she could stay for a sleepover. Star accepted her offering because she wasn't ready to face Marco now.

Marco was sitting on a chair near the kitchen counter. He was hitting his head to the counter, again and again, there was one sentence repeating itself in the mind of Marco; 'This can't be true'. He wanted to believe it was but he just remembered the moment he went near Star, he stood there awkwardly and said. "Ahhhh, so-" But Star stopped him and escape from the castle. Marco remembered that he saw her on Cloudy, flying away from the castle. He hit his head one more time to the counter but this time he didn't lift his head again, he just closed his eyes and fell asleep while his head was about to explode because of the thoughts in it.

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