Chapter 1 - Falling Apart - Part 1

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The magical bonds disappeared and they let go of each other hands, the contract was made. Eclipsa looks at the boy again and saw the cheek marks on the boy's face was fading away. This boy was a mystery to her but eventually, she was going to find out the story of this boy called Marco Diaz, it was just a matter of time.

Marco was looking directly at Eclipsa, she had a smirk on her face but this wasn't just a simple smirk and there was some other emotion hiding under it. Marco couldn't tell what was it but it was pure confusion. On the other hand, there was a worried expression on Marco's face. He was thinking about what he just did. He didn't regret what he did but he can't believe himself. Marco Diaz 'the safe kid' making a contract with Eclipsa 'the evil queen', it sounded like a joke. Marco couldn't even handle the burden of having wet socks but he didn't feel anything during the contract, he gave up on his own life and use it as a bargaining material. But he didn't care about it right now, he didn't care about the burden he was under, the only thing is on his mind was keeping Star safe.

When Eclipsa noticed Marco's expression, her smirk faded. If he was regretting his choices that means he was useless for Eclipsa because she needed a person that can exceed the limits of humanity in him and go as far as it takes even if it means becoming a monster in other people eyes. "You are not regretting your choices, right? I warned you, and it's too late to break the contr-"

"No, I don't regret my decisions. Just help Star and my fate will be in your hands." And with that, Marco walked away from Eclipsa. He was the person Eclipsa was looking for and she was nearly sure of it, the only thing he gotta do to prove it was just staying alive.

Marco was walking down the stairs he came from while thinking about the contract. He just used his life as a bargaining chip but the real point here was; why would Eclipsa accept it? There was nothing special about him. He was just lucky enough to come this far, but his luck was about to run out.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs he felt a big pain in his right palm. When he looked at his palm he saw a big wound. Blood was coming out of the wound. It must have happened when he punched the crystal and raised his hands to his face in order to protect himself from shattering crystal. Marco pulled out his red belt from his pocket and he wrapped up his wound with it.

When he finished wrapping up his wound he pulled out his dimensional scissors. When he was about to open a portal he saw his reflection on the sharp end of the blades, there was a glare in his eyes. He looked like he was someone else with that glare, someone fearless, someone determined, someone special. How did he even end up in this situation? Memories of the last two days filled his head as he kept looking to his own reflection.



"Today is the big day Marco" Star shouted as she dragged Marco through the mall entrance.

"I  know, today is the Song Day. But I thought you hate this song thing."  Marco said as he tried to rescue his wrist from Star's tight grip.

"I changed my mind. Because my princess song is going to be a real song, not some garbage that doesn't say anything about the real me." Star made an expression of disgust than suddenly flashed a smile at Marco. Marco chuckled, even a smile from Star could make him chuckle because it was the brightest smile in the world and Marco could do anything to not lose this smile.

"And thanks for coming with me to the Song Day celebrations, I am a little nervous and it really helps to know that you are going to be there to support me," Star was jumping around Marco.

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