Chapter 4

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(F/C) = Favourite Colour
(D/C) = Dark Colour

"Is there something wrong (Y/N)?" Seven asked. You brought your phone close to your chest, hiding the text message.

"It's umm. . . Curfew," you covered up. Then you turned tail and ran. Seven yelled your name but you didn't stop or looked back. Your house was at the end of the street so you sprinted all the way. You didn't dare think about all the possible ways mother could torture, break or scar you. Your bad leg didn't make things any better. A scream was stuck in your throat but you forced it down. In record time, you made it in less than 5 minutes. You nearly reached the doorknob when the front door swung forward.

"What took you so long?" She scowled. Kitchen light filtered through from behind mother's overbearing figure. You stiffened and gazed downward. Then she stepped aside and allowed you into the house. Once you were inside, she slammed the door. You didn't sit since she didn't tell you to. Mother slowly revolved around you, taking in every inch of your body. After what it seemed like an eternity, she stopped at your left leg.

"Now which bitch gave you that?" She sniggered as gave it a swift (and hard) kick. Pain resonated from your leg. You fell on your right side and grasped your injured leg. The pain was so intense that you shut your eyes and tried to block it out.

"You know, I've always wondered. I envisioned your first day to be all peachy, making new friends and the beginning of disgusting sugar-coated 'friendships'. But I was wrong," she laughed manically. "And I wonder, what did the other kids see in you? To bully and beat you up on your first day? Worthless. Now tell me, who was the lucky person that had beaten you into a piece shit that's sprawled all over my floor?" She says in a venomous tone. When I don't answer, she delivered another kick aimed at my stomach. My whole body shook on impact. I could feel my recess trying to make an appearance. Instead I swallow it back down and stayed in my feeble position.

"Let me guess. . . Was it the girl and her robot friend?" Mai and Seven.

But I didn't say that their names were so. Mother assumed that they were the ones that bullied me but in reality, they were my friends. The wound had nothing to do with them. If I own up and say that they didn't do it, she would kick me until I had confessed that it was a soccer move. Then she would inflict more damage onto my weak form.

But if I play along, mother would believe that it was them and that they're bullies in my school. She wouldn't be hurting me as much but I'll be lying to Seven and Mai. I can't bare the thought of dragging them into my situation without telling them, especially Seven. He seemed like a good guy and I don't want to do anything to hurt him. Mother was preparing for another kick when I whimpered. She pulled back, then with one foot, pressed on my left leg.

"Now talk." Her grin was as wide as the cheshire cat's.

You struggled for air as you gasped a single word, "Y-yes."

Mother looked very convinced at your suffering. She released you from the living room and, with satisfaction, watched you limp your way up the stairs.

Closing the door and locking it behind you, you tossed your bag onto your bed. You took off your jacket and ungainly made your way to the bathroom. This was not the first time you're being grateful for having a built-in bathroom. You stripped down, unwrapped your arm and leg bandages and showered. You were extra careful in washing the grime and blood that remained on your leg. Then you towelled yourself dry and dressed yourself in cotton clothes. Afterwards, you bandaged your leg with antiseptic gauze and second layered it with regular bandages for extra measures.

You laid in your bed, staring up into the blank ceiling. With your bag at your side, you lazily dug your hand in for your book. Sitting up, cross-legged, you flipped through the pen-scribbled pages of your dear book. The detailed sketch of Mai and Seven yearned for your attention. As you studied it, you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy of how close Seven was to Mai. Of how he watched her closely while she slept. Of how he followed her everywhere. Of how he enjoyed her company no matter the situation or location. You flipped to a new page of your book, walked over to your desk, set it down and began penning everything that came to your mind.

Jealousy, confusion, denial, love, Seven. . . The thoughts just keep on coming. Eventually, the whole page was littered with words and feelings. I turned to a fresh page and start writing, writing, writing. I didn't realize that I was lost in a world of ink and words until I was finished with the last line. I lifted it into the light, pulled it back and completed it with the title:

I Love U

The next day, things were surprisingly smooth sailing. Mother didn't wake up when you left home. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and there was a spring in your step. You wore your (F/C) sleeveless dress that reaches just below your thighs and a (D/C) short sleeved jacket that reaches just below your breasts. Your hair was curled at the end and had a little bounce in them. Today, you had a plan. It was going to take place after school and the best part was, mother would be out somewhere and she was lenient enough to abolish my curfew if I come home before dinner.

In school, Seven kept on casting side glances. Some of them, he would smile at you, making your stomach butterflies flutter around. In some others, he would look for you. And when he did, he would try to approach you but at the same time, Mai would obliviously yell for Seven and take off running in a different direction. This made your heart ache because when he backtracks to Mai, he would frown but never lets Mai see it. At first you thought about approaching Seven but then the scenario would immediately turn awkward. So you decided to stick to your original plan.

After school, you would look for Ani first. She's crucial for your master plan. You spot her by the bleachers.

"Hey Ani!" You waved to her. She smiled in return.

"Hi (Y/N), what's up?" Ani adjusted her spectacles.

"First things first. Are you free this afternoon?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?" She tilted her head to her side. You whispered in her ear and her eyes widened.

"So will you do it?" You asked hopefully.

"Of course! Since it's for. . . Someone else." She giggled. You rolled your eyes playfully as you grabbed her hand and pulled her along. A taxi was waiting at the front of the school. At the sight of it, you let go of Ani's hand and opened the backseat door for her.

"Wait. Where are we going again?" Ani asked. You got in the backseat with Ani, closed the car door and buckled up.

"Good afternoon, ladies. Do you have a destination in mind?" The driver politely queried.

"Actually, we do." You replied in the same politeness.

"And where would that be?" Both the driver and Ani were listening.

You took a deep breath and answered, "Please take us to Musique-Me studios!"

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