Entry #4: Hugs

164 13 29

[Dated: 17 February 2019, Sunday.]

A teenage girl, about the age of 15, rocking back and forth in a corner of a room, eyes darting nervously as the shadows of the room suddenly become pronounced. Sharper. Nerve wrecking.

It wanted to eat me alive. I swear. There was a monster lurking within the shadowy depths of the night, preying on me. Waiting for the right moment to pounce—

Oh god. I was more than terrified. Oh no. Much, much more.

My hands were shaking, my breathing unsteady, my entire body quivering, my blood pounding in my ears. Without a doubt my heart rate had increased drastically. I pressed my body against the corner, desperately wanting to get away from the imagery beast.

My journal, lying on my bed, covered by blankets and pillows, cold and concealed by the blackness. How did it get so dark? My promise to hold onto it seemed like a lifetime ago.

I opened my mouth to make a sound but nothing came out. I had lost my voice. Something moved.

"Seven, help me."

I couldn't produce anything from my mouth. My throat had closed down on itself. I could only whimper in my petrified mind, calling out to Seven.

What happened three days ago? Oh yes, I communicated with a reader. But today? Quivering in a corner from a make-believe creature. Or is it? It's blood red eyes looked convincing enough. It's body outline resembled a giant hound, hairy and wild. Maybe it growled in the lowest pitch possible. Maybe I had heard it. Maybe I'm finally losing it.

Tears. I cried. And cried. And cried some more. Leave me alone, I kept on thinking. What have I ever done to you, oh giant hound, what have I done wrong?


Oh god. It was coming for me. It was going to chew me alive—

"Damn it. Can't see anything. (Y/N) are you there?" There was a spark, and then, fire. She created a hand torch, lighting up her face and the space around her.

About 6'5 tall, blond hair, red jacket and baby blue jeans, she called for me once again. Her big baby blue eyes locked with my (E/C) eyes before rushing in my direction.

"(Y/N)! Thank God I've found you!" The blonde said. I relaxed a bit at the warmth of the bare flame.

"Better not wave this around, huh? Is there a torch holder somewhere?" The room made a popping sound and a torch holder materialised. Inserting the torch, the mysterious girl offered a hand.

It was like my butt was glued to the floor but I couldn't get up even if I wanted to. Instead I stared at her before looking down.

"Kai," she began when the silence continued, "is the name."

I only nodded. I felt goosebumps up my spine. Shivering slightly, I rested my head on my arms.

"You're cold," Kai remarked after touching my arm. "Hold on."

Her footsteps faded away from me. I only looked up when Kai wrapped a blanket around me. Pillow in hand and my journal in the other, Kai sat beside me.

"Better now?"


"Look who finally talked," she smirked. I cracked a smile, before it diminishes just as quickly.

"Why aren't you in bed? Are you thinking about your friends?" Kai brushes the bangs that covered her one eye.

Shaking my head, I glanced up at the darkness before directing my gaze at Kai. "There was a monster. Blood red eyes, the size of a giant hound. It growled a-and—" I couldn't keep it in, and broke down for the second time.

Kai shifted her position and hugged me. I didn't hesitate to return the hug. I cried onto her shoulder while Kai stroked my hair. It just kept on coming. I felt like I couldn't control anything anymore. I hiccuped more and I couldn't put an end to my sobs.

"Shhh. It's going to be okay," Kai reassured me. Carrying me, she put me on my bed. Journal still in hand, she said, "Don't worry. I won't leave. I have nothing better to do than to be there for a friend. I won't let anything harm you (Y/N). You need you sleep. I will protect you from any hairy hounds."

I sat up and spread my arms. Tears were building up again. Kai hugged me.

"Please. Stay," I managed. She looked at me and nodded before pulling out a blue and grey blaster out of nowhere.

"Nothing gets past me. I'll shoot it down for you," Kai blows the end of the gun.



"One more hug?"

"For you." We embraced one more time.

"Stay strong (Y/N). Just know that we're here for you. I'm here for you."

And with that, the nights have become less scarier.


[Special thanks to MysteryHybridYT for lending Kai, her brave and caring OC towards (Y/N). Don't you feel safer just being around her?]

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