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"Yes! Checkmate!"

You raise your eyebrow up in annoyance and look at Namjoon jumping up and down after winning against you in chess for the fifth time.

"Do you want to get hit!?" You raise your hand threateningly.

"Is that saltiness I sense?" He teases you, making the corners of your mouth curl up involuntarily.

"I swear Namjoon I'm going to kill you!" You laugh and get up from the floor.

You start chasing him around the living room, both of you probably looking like little kids. Your laughs fill the emptiness of the house with liveliness. You see Namjoon escaping the living room, almost slipping on the shiny marble floor making you burst out a loud laugh. You start running out of the living room and look around, trying to find his whereabouts.

"Namjooon... Where are youuu?" You creep in the hallway and look into every room to find the hiding man. You hear a clatter in the kitchen and start grinning evilly. You start running to the kitchen, wanting to see Namjoon desperately trying to hide somewhere. You run past beautiful paintings that are displayed on the walls, not having time to admire them. You see the kitchen at the end of the hallway and giggle at the thought of Namjoon stuck in a cabinet. You enter the kitchen and look around to see if he really is stuck in a cabinet. You suddenly feel yourself get lifted up from the back. You screech loudly and grip the hands that are lifting you.

"Namjoon let me down!" You laugh and start hitting his hands.

"Aww," he puts you down. "I thought you would get scared." He pouts like a little kid, making you squish his cheeks.

"I've never seen you act like this, you're like a little kid." You giggle and hit his arm playfully.

"And you weren't acting like one five minutes ago?" He raises his eyebrow.

You roll your eyes and sigh. You walk to the fridge and take out a water bottle for you and Namjoon. You give him his and open yours, almost chugging the whole thing. You look at Namjoon who already finished his. Is he a water tank or what?

"But in all seriousness," you sigh. "Thank you for making me feel so much better after that chaos."

"Of course, anything for you." He smiles and pulls you into a hug.

You get shocked at the sudden action for a moment, but soon relax into his warm and tall form.

"We're back!"

You quickly pull away from the hug and clear your throat.

"We're in the kitchen!" You yell and fix your hair. You look at Namjoon and give him a little smile, instantly getting one back. You look behind him and see everyone walking towards the kitchen.

"Eun, Namjoon! Did you have fun together?" Jin exlaims as he fixes his wet hair from the rain that had started earlier.

"What kind of person do you think I am," you scoff. "I'm not like Jimin, neither is Namjoon, not that I know of." You glare at Jimin, getting a yell from him.

"No, I didn't mean it like that! Ah, but anyways, I need to make some dinner, I'm starving." Jin rubs his stomach and starts looking for ingredients.

"Oh, right... But I can help with dinner!" You try to hide your embarrassment and run to the fridge.

"So you think screwing Namjoon would be fun, I see." Jimin teases, resulting you to give him a murderous glare. "Shut up before I make sure you won't be able to have kids."

"Okay, let's calm down and start cooking," Jin pushes you towards the fridge sighing. "Your nagging is just a waste of time."

You roll your eyes and open the fridge lazily. You scan the fridge full of ingredients. "So what's for dinner?"

"Hmm, let's just make some spaghetti bolognese." He hums and starts looking for the needed ingredients.

"Aw, I think Eun would have been better." You hear Jimin tease you and hold up a frying pan threatening to hit him. They don't even care about manners, so why should you?

"I'm just joking, sheesh!" He laughs and puts his hands up, surrending to your handy frying pan.

"Maybe I should carry this around with me all the time, you know, just in case you start your perverted comments again." You place the frying pan down and thank it for the help. You turn to Jimin and give him a fake smile, letting him know you're not kidding.

You help Jin with the cooking, even though it looks like he doesn't need any. Soon enough the food is ready to be eaten, making you sigh in delight.

"The food is ready!" Jin screams from the top of his lungs.

You can hear them racing down the stairs and stumbling on eachother. You let out a laugh and bury your face in your hands. It really feels like home here.

A/N: Hi, again, it's been a while! I've had exams and all that and this week I've been on a vacation. I know, I could have written this when the vacation begun but I was with my friend and all that so I didn't really have that much time tbh. But, here you go! It's not that great, probably because I'm suffering from a headache atm, but I tried. I also completely forgot that I still have chapters that I need to edit, fml. But sorry about this long note, see you!

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